Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nathan Rike
Former Sweetwater Technical Support Engineer for 5+ Years as well Independent engineer and producer for 10. Worked Live sound, as well as engineered many artists including Brother Isaiah and Scythian. Winner of Songwriter of the Year and Production in 2018 from University of Saint Francis.
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sound artist and music producer
My name is Colombes and i'm a professional singer , i have worked with many people in the music industry such as Producers, Songwriters, Djs. I can be your female singer in any genre EDM, POP, HIP HOP, R&B, ROCK, METAL,....
Songwriter and Producer with emphasis on melodies. I can help you achieve the sound you want, get it placed and licensed into TV, Film, and Commercials. Looking for raw talent to develop and help get signed or self released. I produced and mixed all the songs on my sample audio.
A singer-songwriter-rapper just trying to be noticed!! If you like my music you will be on the top of my priorities. If you love my music, I will be on the top of yours. Just trying to accomplish the second one!
GRecords® - recording studios in Russia (Moscow, Nizhniy Novgorod): arrangement, record, mixing, mastering, songwriting, vocal tuning, editing and more Dream. Do.
dj puya
I create creative eye grabbing canvas videos to match the style of your song. I also can incorporate footage of the artist if they have that available.
Unleash the power of your music with expert mixing and mastering on SoundBetter.com. Elevate your sound, captivate your audience, and make your music shine. Let's transform your tracks into sonic masterpieces. Contact me now to take your music to new heights.
Recent Successes
"If you are looking for a perfect mix that is going to blow everyones mind. Benny is the guy)))"
"Sean is a killer: an incredible player with a pocket a mile deep, and a great guy to boot. I had a lot of pretty specific ideas I wanted, and he Incorporated them all and made the whole thing better than I thought it ..."
"Alles ist Super gelaufen, Kuyano hat eine Tolle arbeit geleistet. Kann es jedem nur empfehlen :-)"
"I can't say it enough: if you want someone to take your project to its highest heights, across the finish line with all of the ump and sonic fluidity and power you envisioned when you started it, there is no better mi..."
"What a voice! Working with Grant is something special. He gives it 110% and he's got a great ability to knock the vocal performances out of the park. Always a pleasure to work with him. Hope to do so again in the near..."
"Kelly was friendly and responsive, brought out the best in my music, and made everything translate impossibly well. Completely blown away by his work and will definitely be sending more projects his way!"
"Ziv was so patient and knew exactly what I was asking for. Even when I couldn't find all the right words in my specific requests, he completely understood what I was trying my best to express. I'm very happy with the ..."