Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nathan Duval
Mercury Music Prize 2024 winger English Teacher!!!! 2.4b streams, 347m youtube, 13x platinum • As of today, I’m showing 388 million streams as composer and 343 million streams as lyricist. My clients have -> • 19 have won BRIT Awards, with 27 nominated. • 52 Grammy wins with 170 nominations. • In 2024, 6 of my clients performed Glastonbury
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Will-Powerz is a talented producer, recording artist and sound engineer in London, England. Primarily involved in Hip-Hop, he has the versatility to apply his skills to any genre of music, and offers top-class beats and features on songs, as well as premium mixing/mastering services, from his website at http://willpowerzmusic.co.uk
I'm certain I can help you get that right sound with 10 years experience in composition, recording, mixing and mastering
We are specialized on music production and sound design.
I'd love to make your song come to life! I'm experienced in mixing a variety of genres and am able to mix your song to fit your vision. I'm a fan of all genres, however I especially love working on anything with energy! Especially Rock, Heavy Metal, Metalcore, Hardcore, Pop punk/Rock and indie rock.
Ready for some projects
Professional Male Vocalist with a Professional Home Studio
Yhu acting funny I overlook the weird Still pass some bread Yhu not ready to change Yhu knw that's bahd *I drop yhu like a bad habit Under anykinna weather Even if it's sunny I only keep it real if Yhu 4 real I ride and die for yhu Never gonna dose off the wheel if yhu knw tha deal
I'm a person that is creative, quick and very engaged with the projects that I work, I will always make sound good any project and be very responsible with my work.
Recent Successes
"Spectacular work by Matt. He's a true, super talent. Matt took our messy, very basic scratch and turned it into one of the best things we've ever had produced through SoundBetter. The track has all the basic character..."
"The work Dvnni produced was nothing short of outstanding and turn around in super quick time. When I envisioned the concept of what we were looking for on this project I could only hope we got close to what we were ..."
"It was great working with FrankyG, he understood the sound that I was looking for and executed it the way that I had imagined. Definitely want to work again!"
"What an amazing man Steve is. I pinch myself when I got Steve.... his work is extensive and the man is so gifted its frustrating lol. Anyway hit him up, you'll do no wrong with him at the helm."
"Super easy and fun to work with Patricio. This is our 2nd project and I have loved the playing style, musical imagination and professionalism. Will for sure work again in future! :D"
"Julian was extremely patient with my project. What I loved the most was how invested he was in making it the best it could be, and offering that reassurance to me as well. The work itself was very well done, and he ma..."
"Outstanding production!!! Now it's my job is to get every 12-17 year old girl to buy this song. I'll be back for more songs."
"This was my first project with Chris but it definitely won't be my last as he was excellent to work with. Great vocals that he recorded perfectly that were mix ready upon arrival. He was professional and communicate..."