Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nathalie Makoma
Sup Fam ! I'm Praise Deep. I'm a BILINGUAL (English & French) producer, audio / mixing engineer and songwriter. I've been producing, mixing and writing for many emerging independent artists in all genres. I'm very open to all propositions.
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Mixing engineer and master dedicated to producing, recording, mixing and mastering pop-rock ballads and Christian music
Hello! My name is Dean Giroir and I am a music producer, mixing engineer, and guitarist from Covington, La. It would be my privilege to mix, master or perform YOUR music!
Munich based Sounddesigner and Re- Recording Engineer with a big passion for film sound. "The german Skywalker Sound ;)"
I do every things: Mixing, Sound-desighn, Produsing, PR, Work with artist.
I’m a London, UK-based producer, composer and recording artist specialising in R&B, Neo Soul and anything with synths. If you're an artist looking for a producer, co-writer, beat maker or session musician, I want to hear from you. I'm passionate about these genres and I love bringing songs to life with real, tasteful instrumentation.
Songwriting, arranging and production for Rock and Metal artists.
Recent Successes
"Camilo was amazing! Not only did he answer all my questions AND teach me, he delivered a high quality Master that sounded amazing on all platforms. He is a godsend! He also offered an Mfit and ISRC code with the packa..."
"Aubrey is always at her best. Understanding the needs to the artist looking for a production to sound a certain way, Also using her talents and wisdom to achieve only the best work an artist can acquire at top level m..."
"This is my second time working with Dave. I asked Dave to master my song because he had done such an extraordinary job mixing it. I could not be happier with the mastering Dave did on my song. He is extremely patie..."
"Nia is very professional and conscientious. It was a pleasure to work with her. We exchanged a lot and we both had the same goal, which is to get the best result possible. Great experience. "
"Alex has been an absolute pleasure to work with! He works so fast, has a great ear for mixing and technical skills to match. Ended up with exactly what I was hoping for from the final mix, with minimal revisions neede..."
"Sam has completely and utterly shocked me with his brilliance yet again. I can't be happier with his mix and master! His communication and speed has "professional" written all over it, and his sound has "Musician" wri..."
"Mark is extremely knowledgeable and truly brings my music to the next level with his masters. If you want a professional sound to compete with top tier artists, Mark is your guy!"