Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Nastya Andreeva
Professional mixing engineer making artists love their music even more
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I won outstanding soloist at the 2020 National Jazz festival in Philadelphia, Best Vocal Performer at Princeton Jazz Festival 2019. Has performed several musical theatre roles notable of which is Sebastian in "Little Mermaid". Received Citation Commendation and Praise from The Senate and General Assembly of NJ.
Award winning producer, composer and violinist with a broad range from jazz to pop to classical makes your mixes sound better. I also provide custom string arrangements and record violin, jazz, pop or classical.
Now di33 I see it that's why adey sing it, Charley no be fake thing I hope you dey listen
Audio content for any type of musical project.
Belty, emotive, and adaptive: I can do nearly anything. I currently have a range spanning roughly 3 octaves (A3-G#6).
Let's talk about your project, let's talk about your ideas, let's talk about your goals!
Although I have worked with artists around the globe accumulating millions of streams over diverse projects, my goal remains to make sure all of my clients walk away happy. I have a solid work ethic and do my best to elevate every project to another level. I care for every project I work on. I'm not here to get the next 1000 reviews
About this gig Hello! I am a media and film composer and I can make music for your works at a reasonable price
Recent Successes
"class act class performance and on time delivery"
"Yoed was really great! He gave me exactly what I needed for my project and was very flexible, kind, and open. If you need a strings arrangement, he is perfect for the job!"
"John is a consummate professional! Fantastic bass player. that knows just what to play for the song. Great pocket and tone! He was also able. to give me something the same day when I need it. Very excited to do anothe..."
"I had a fantastic experience working with Shelley! Her vocals are simply amazing and her topline and lyrics were absolutely perfect. It was a really straightforward and enjoyable collaboration - Shelley is great with ..."
"Nacho hizo un excelente trabajo para mejorar aún mas el resultado final, dejando un material de audio musical en excelentes condiciones para el delivery a plataformas digitales. Los tiempos que maneja son extremadamen..."
"Wow! I am SOOOO impressed with LEO! Not only did he capture exactly what I wanted (and more), he sent more than one option, provided all the audio tracks & even included a vocal reference track... but the most impress..."
"Austin always provides a top service and that’s why I always go back to him! "