Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Myquale
Upcoming mastering engineer in the Chicago-land area. On the way to be the best there is.
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Signed with Majors labels as a music producer SOF
A versatile singer/songwriter who specializes in pop and country music.
Hey I'm a producer/creator in my mid twenties. I have a lot of musical experience, going all the way back to when I was 9 years old. Piano (2005), producer (2016), songwriter (2018), and mix & mastering(2018/2019). I work in FL Studio and have multiple extra plugins etc.
I strive to be one of the best mixers in the world and I will keep learning and improving until then. Help me to help you and maybe one day we shall know greatness together.
Violin, viola, string arranging, background vocals. Most genres.
As a Singer/Songwriter myself, I know the songwriting process first-hand. I have written songs, produced (and co-produced) songs and albums that reached the iTunes Top 10 Charts in different countries. Whether it's composing lyrics, writing them, or tunning vocals, I believe that every aspect is personal and can be achieved by communication.
Is the track you're working on a bit off and need a catchy melody and hot vocals to spice things up? I’m a rap vocalist banking on over 10 years of experience. I'm known for creating unique, energetic, and spellbinding electronic rap songs. Which have pumped up a host of video games, EDM tracks, and movie trailers for my clients.
Hi my name is Pierre Guerrier I’m 21 years old I’m an uprising artist who moved to LA at the age of 19 in 2021 to pursue my dreams of becoming a multi threat superstar and I’ve currently started by releasing my catchy and unforgettable Debut Single “Just Came Here to Party” I’m in looks for a producer, engineer, mixer, etc for Artist Development.
Recent Successes
"I can not praise Josiah enough. His vocals and recording quality are superb. I highly recomend Josiah to anyone and I can go far as to say he is a star. I have that feeling that I would like to keep him to myself beca..."
"It was wonderful to hear the differences made in having our songs mastered by someone as good as Kramer. What I love the most is his artistic passion in bringing out the soul of the song. Cant wait to hear the differe..."
"Jose Benjamin was a pleasure to work with. He is a talented violin player, open-minded, professional and very kind. Most importantly, he was easy to work with and as a producer I find that an essential quality for a ..."
"Kramer is the best. We've just completed another single "When it's on" with him and the quality is amazing. He also works in an incredibly timely manner. Very quick turnaround."
"Outstanding work, very professional but friendly approach, attention to details... Sefi proved to me that even my music can sound as good as, or even better than some of the world's high end productions out there ! Ca..."
"Great producer, great with many different styles. Very attentive, wouldn’t stop working until I was completely satisfied with every aspect of the beat. "
"Thank you Austin for your patience, i always have the feeling of getting better while working with you!"
"I have used Karolina for several song now for backing vocals and I keep coming back to her even after trying some other singers too for variation. She delivers backing vocals of the highest quality and delivers many ..."
"Always does a perfect job no matter how many times you ask him"