Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Musta Barbaari
Multi-Platinum Mixing / Mastering engineer
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Experienced and driven creative professional versed in music and sound post-production, music direction, supervision, composition, production, publishing, licensing, and clearance for theatrical marketing, commercial advertising, film, and TV.
At NEXT HIT Production Studios, pride is taken in the sound results of your musical projects. We're dedicated in providing artists with "radio ready" Mix and Master sound quality through implementing use of skilled techniques within top quality plug ins that will provide you with an industry standard sound that will put your music above the rest.
Clean punchy low end, warm mid-range & smooth top end. Great communication and fast turnaround.
Let me mix your project as I have done for so many more great artists! The sound you need for your album!
Professional recording artist & songwriter with over 9 million streams on Spotify alone.
All in one music maker. Let's make your music come true!
Playing for different churches has cause me to perfect my craft at drumming. Just by having a gift that I can share with the world that God has giving me that can bring people together is the biggest impressive accomplishment of my drumming career.
Alternative/Pop Producer and Mix Engineer.
Recent Successes
"great master always "
"Everything I was looking for and more! Great quality of work and quick responses from Bob, absolute pleasure to work with."
"Shelby is a true legend and is an incredibly talented professional. She is a special songwriter and we also were able to develop a friendship which makes the song even more meaningful to me during the collaboration. A..."
"once again I can rely on vision he turned my voice into a masterpiece everytime I need mixing I go to vision "
"Fast and reliable service. Make your mixes sound amazing "
"The second I heard the first iteration of the track he produced. I knew it's going to be amazing. He was quick to get on the feedback, very receptive to ideas, and extremely professional throughout. Would love to cont..."
"Great chops! Gergo was very easy to work with and understood exactly what I wanted. Will work with him again."
"Working with Daniel was fantastic and the guitar tracks were perfect for the song, truly a very gifted and talented musician! I'll be back here for sure, we're just getting rolling!!....I highly recommend Daniel, exce..."
"Alex was a pleasure to work with. He's very receptive to feedback throughout the mix process and we worked together to create better and better versions of my track until we both were absolutely proud of the end resul..."
"easy to work with and very creative he took my unfinished song idea and transformed it into something I love highly recommended "
"Hello thank you vicenzi good job "
"Sabrina recorded some strings for a production of mine and the result was amazing ! She really got the vibe of the song, the color we were looking for, and the tracks fit perfectly into it !"