Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Musiche per il corto “Il Vestito”
Composer, sound designer, mixing and mastering engineer
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A. Montes is audio engineer by Sae Institute Madrid (Spain) and bachelor (with honours) in sciences of audio production by Middlesex University (London). He has a wide experience as in studio recording (Guilty Pleasure, Light Among Shadows, etc.) as direct sound (Sacramento, Sherpa [Barón Rojo], Juaninaka, Manny Charlton, Javier Vargas, etc).
My style is a sultry and soulful blend of popular music, combining my singer-songwriter roots with my love of jazz, retro pop, and classic soul. If you're looking to collaborate and cross-promote with a committed artist, I'd love to hear from you.
If you're after the indie pop sound of someone who's engineered and vocal mixed for Claire Rosinkranz and produced songs for indie pop artists like Aimee Vant, Tiffany Houghton, Jay Alan, or Mom Rock, I'm the guy for you.
Mohammad Fatemi Iranian singer, actor, songwriter, music arranger and composer
Professional drummer and audio engineer with a background in music production. An extensive collection of equipment and highly proficient in Ableton Live. Highly experienced in playing to a click from many years as a working, gigging drummer in Melbourne.
Dance music focused producer, with more than 7 years of experience in the music industry, especialized on Ghost Producing. Worked with lots of big house labels in Brazil as G-Mafia, Alphabeat Records and Quartzo Records.
Recording, Mixing, Broadcast sound, Concert post producing mixing.
Recent Successes
"Seriously, Petar is the best professional on this platform. Offering amazing quality work at a very reasonable price. He puts immense detail into his work and makes sure you get the best quality product. Thanks once a..."
"Kevin is an extremely melodic guy - he has that gift..."
"Third time hiring G and there’s a very good reason why. Once again Gekko was able to switch up a demo idea to a radio ready sounding R&B track within a day. Incorporating elements from the reference tracks as ..."
"It was such a great experience working with Megan + the A-Team. I needed an original vocal/top line for an Uplifting Trance record, and after exchanging just a couple of messages with Megan, she delivered the best voc..."
"Simone mixed and mastered my song and was great got exactly what I was looking for definitely gonna be back!"
"He was a very professional master engineer who was so responsive, quick reply, everything was so smooth and fast. and he was very patient, which helped me a lot. If you are thinking to master your tract, don't waist y..."
"Highly recommended! Incredible sound. Giovanni is also a very nice man."
"Always a great pleasure to work with Eddie! Until next time!"
"Marco is very talented and can turn on a dime to get things done. Short guitar loop, but excellently done on time."