Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Muscle Shoals Allstars
I make soulful records with great people who are wonderfully unique musical souls. My speciality is old school soul music and anything that's rootsy and organic. I'm your guy if you love the great records coming out of Muscle Shoals, Memphis and New Orleans. I'm at home at the crossroads of analog and digital. Let's get in the groove together!
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Studio nerd by day, mixing live bands by night. During the day I record, mix, master and fumble around with old smelly gear in my studio. At night I mix live music for bands I tour with or one of most popular venues in Amsterdam, De Melkweg.
I am using a dope analog/digital hybrid mixing system that I have dialed in for crazy good results! 20+ years mixing pop, rap, and rnb music. Songs featured on HBO, X-Factor, radio and more.
A good mix can transform a song into a hit! Let's make it possible! ( With ProTools and Universal Audio DSP)
I am a producer who started writing Dance music in the 90's as part of Mix Factory. Our biggest hit was Take Me Away. I want to start back up after a good few years being a grown up. my influences are anything funky from Quincy Jones, Teddy Riley to Mark Ronson, Bruno Mars. I am also a DJ and competed in the DMC championships back in the early 90's
Extremely driven and ambitious Musician with an extensive background in Live Performance, Touring, Recording, Production and Drum Arrangement. More than 20 years experience as a Musician & 11 years as a Professional International Touring Drummer and Producer.
Ready to play, perform, improvise and create soundscapes for you!
MISSING THAT FINAL BIT OF EAR CANDY? Take your song from good to great with keys, lap steel, or acoustic instruments ✨
Be the light in a dark room! I'm Shamirra. Singer/Songwriter/Vocal Producer from Philly. I'm very in tune with my vulnerable side and I love to help other artists bring that out. Let's work =)
Recent Successes
"Nathan is a true professional ! He followed up with every correspondence promptly and attentively ,delivering a pristine sounding, professionally played acoustic guitar track as promised. He even delivered without a..."
"Jason continuously out does himself! I've come to expect excellence from him on every song and he hasnt let me down yet. He truly takes ownership of them and it the passion comes through."
"Taylor has yet again created an amazing track for me! I was so frustrated with how the last person handled this track and after giving it to Taylor, he changed it around in less than 72 hours. I am so thankful!!!"
"Beth is an incredibly gifted artist with the ability to deliver top notch vocals as well as write great lyrics and create unforgettable melodies. She goes above and beyond for her clients. It was a pleasure working wi..."
"I highly recommend working with Theia! She has a beautiful voice and has great instincts for how to deliver a vocal with feeling in it. Wonderful tone, perfect pitch, and she's also very good with finding harmonies. A..."
"So glad I was able to work with DoubleSharp on this project. They were very accommodating with planning the session, score prep, and the actual recording. The players did a wonderful job and I'm very happy with the re..."