Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MTV Shows
Delivering professional, studio-quality production and mixing remotely, bringing your music to life no matter where you are.
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My name is Jamie Muscat, I have been in the industry for 15+ years, have worked for Internationally renowned producer Philipe Marc- Anquetil (Little Mix, Christina Parie [KYA], Timomatic, One Direction and many more) as well as various other artists and producers. See Description for more Information!
I'm primarily an electro-pop artist with a songwriting background in multiple genres. I've been a songwriter for 12 years and I've co-written internationally for the last 5 years. I can guarantee a catchy, content focused, lyric and record clean and professional vocals for your track.
raunchy raps, loving vibes, & sultry vocals... all curated by MWAH!
Solid timing, excellent sense of pitch. Over a decade of experience, live and studio. My basslines will fit your songs, just like you'd expect!
Much experience in making music with piano keyboards guitar drums
Professional custom made tracks
"I help other musical creators to professionally shape and present to the world the gift that God has given them"
I will record professional violin track for your track!
Recent Successes
"Forsyth was a pleasure to work with, amazing rapper, great flow with a good feeling for strong toplines. Together we wrote an awesome song, will definitely recommend!"
"Another great job with John! Always gives the song what it needs but isn't afraid to experiment with out of the box ideas that can be magic too!"
"Andres, as always, is the utmost professional. My team and I view him as an integral part of the record that we're working on and there are things that he can hear that many cannot. I cannot recommend him enough!"
"Emma is very flexible and nice to work with. She has some great ideas to propose for a song and let you to make a choice what you like. This service is rare now. I really felt that it was easy-going to collaborate w..."
"Alex mixed and mastered a song for me and his work is outstanding as always."
"Another great expierence with AMILLI Productions. Very professional quality!"
"Jordan laid down an incredible drum track for a song i was working on. Really gor the feel of what I was trying to do and it came put better than I could have imagined. Also love that he gave me three different vers..."
"Luca has been my go to bassist for some time. He always understands the brief and nails the performance. Thanks again mate!"
"Gab's productions are pretty cool, I like his style and will work with him again in terms of production. Easy to work with, fast and good communication overall, great job! "