Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with mr paradise
I worked for a few years collaborating with local artists and producers to find myself as an artist. After defining my sound and identity, I started working on my first EP titled “1996” named after the year I was born. For the third single released, "Besame"
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Hi, I'm Nick and I am based in The Netherlands and I enjoy music. I mainly specialize in mixing and recording. I've done a bunch of recordings for bands which you can view on my website (www.nickhabermehl.com). I've worked for bands like Blaudzun, Balthazar & Ben Caplan. Feel free to contact me for any questions!
“I adore the unique melodies which showcase an artistic insight. Moreover, Nina's vocals sound grandiose, she has such a powerful voice." - Le Future Wave Singer • Songwriter • Musician • Producer • Recording Artist • Spotify Editorial Playlisted • Multi- Genre • Collaborator
Hi! I’m Katie - A 10x award winning singer-songwriter and performer based in Santa Cruz, CA. I specialize in pop, folk, indie, and singer-songwriter genres for songwriting, session singing, and top-liner work.
Played guitar and bass on Lanterna's "B minor"
If you are looking for a singer for your music or to record a demo, i can help you
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An artist and music producer based in Rome, he collaborates with various artists and singers. Mainly directed towards pop/pop dance/house music genres. Last release "Don't Let Me Go" with EGO MUSIC.
Recent Successes
"This dude is so good makes me wanna hide him and keep him to myself as an engineer, but whoever reading this post should give bro a chance and I promise you won't regret it at all. He's getting me much more excited ab..."
"Chris is incredibly talented at what he does. He brought more life and clarity to my tracks and I couldn't be happier with the results."
"Fred is incredibly efficient and very easy to work with, I didn't even have to make any changes or amendments! This is the second single he's mastered for me and I couldn't be happier with the results. :)"
"Simon mixed my song and added upright bass and mandolin to the recording. He is a sympathetic musician with a great ear, playing parts that supported the song. His mixing really brought out the best in my voice and gu..."
"Second time with this fabulous mastering engineer and second out of hopefully many more mastering jobs with Camilo. Thank you my friend you have created depth, dynamics, clarity, control and power to my mixes."
"2nd time working with lucas, everything still stands! talented, polite, and will capture your sound. fair prices too, contact him if you're looking for someone new work with "
"finished the next good job with Ivan. thank you"
"Megan is awesome! Finding a vocalist who can match your vision for a song can be a huge challenge, but Megan absolutely crushed it with label-ready vocals and songwriting on the first take. Couldn't be more impressed ..."
"Zak is a legend. I had such a great time working with him, highly recommend. Thank you Zak 🙏🕺"
"Cris is incredible to work with- His musical talent is off the charts. Thanks for another amazing song. The Twins"