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Motherwell Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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As a seasoned music producer and sound engineer, I have honed my skills over many years, operating remotely between Paris and Los Angeles. I work with many major labels such as Warner Music, BMG, Paramount, and others.
WHY HIRE ME? I religiously believe in the accurate craft of any track I tailor to my clients' songs. Contrarily to most session musicians and audio engineers who base their commitment on an industrial working approach, I invest all the time that a project really REQUIRES to be winning, regardless of the budget involved.
Juno nominated engineer. Over 10 years working as a producer, mixer and recording engineer. I've been very fortunate to work on some awesome records over the past couple of years including Leith Ross' debut "Motherwell" and follow up single "I'd Have To Think About It" and many other singles and EPs with artists in Toronto and around the world.
Studied with Lewis Capaldi at music college, I have an extensive list of vocal technique qualifications which gives me ultimate control over my voice and the ability to sing most genres with authenticity and power. Harmonies and BVs expert. My own music has over 510k streams on Spotify. Also an accomplished Pianist and Session 'Cellist. Ego-free!
Need to get your track professionally produced? Looking for that clean and tight mix and master? I'll help you with just that! Let's connect :)
House, Progressive House, Gospel Vocals
Hey there, I'm Linus Esch, an enthusiastic audio engineering student based in Germany, and I'm here to take your audio projects to the next level. If you want to make your music, podcast, or any audio content sound amazing, I'm your guy! I'm not just about pressing buttons and doing clinical Mixes. I'm all about making your audio come to life.
I am a mixing and mastering engineer with almost completed university education in sound engineering.
Recent Successes
"another great experience of working with Chad, there was an additional guitar part that came to my mind once he had put his guitars down and it was no problem at all for Chad to offer to go back and record this additi..."
"Excellent as always."
"Austin surpassed all my expectations! When you work with him you get a producer, mix engineer and a DJ with a ton of experience all in one. He is as professional as it gets, great communication every step of the way, ..."
"It was great working with Jimmy again, he has very solid top lining abilities and always brings his best ideas forward! Can’t wait to work with him again! "
"Zach delivered again! Love working with pros like Zach. It makes my job so much easier!!! "
"He was great! Got the job done quickly and perfectly. He wanted me to be happy and is very talented. "
"Sebastian was fantastic. He was clear and honest about things that bothered him. That allowed me to go back and re-imagine some things and achieve a much better end result. I've heard a lot of really smart people s..."
"Fire tracks every-time 🔥and also fast delivery. "
"Mere words are inadequate to describe Paul's talent and exceptional professional work ethics. Being the first time of working on a project that requires orchestration. Paul's timely feedback made the whole process ins..."
"#1 on Soundbetter!! Look no further. This man knows how to collaborate and tailor his work to your needs and to your benefit. The best!!!"
"Great Work from Klaas!"