Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mo'Ju
Dolby Atmos | Spatial Audio Mixer for Film & Music. Noisy Post is a 7.1.4 Dolby Atmos mix studio based in Melbourne, Australia. Benni Knop has mixed records, films and live concerts for 15+ years now in stereo to 7.1 surround sound. We've mixed music and live performance for artists such as Tones and I, Khruangbin, Fat Freddy's Drop and Mo'ju.
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Since many years ago I work with Sound, Tracks, Musicians, Mixing Consoles, Pro Tools, pro tools again, and again. Hard working on audio restoration, impossible is nothing.
Julian Feifel is a multi platinum music producer, composer and guitarist.
effective, versatile, meticulous, I can do whatever you have in mind, fast in and good quality.
Hello! I'm Angelo Pitone from Bari, Apulia, Southern Italy. I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Commercial Music with honors at the UWS. I'm a singer-songwriter, musician, mixing engineer, and music production teacher. I want to offer you my 15+ years of experience for your projects as a mixing engineer and taking care of your music.
"Wise guitar player" "deeply involved into the music he plays". I'm a session and concert guitar player specialized in experimental and classical music.
Vocals, lyrics, melodies.
Producer from sweden
Recent Successes
"This is now the 3rd song Taylor has done for me, and I really dumped a toughie on her this time, as the song was really not in a good key for a female vocalist. But the song had been tracked long ago, and I was repla..."
"Eduardo did a great job tuning a pro recorded vocal track for me.. Really tasty in details. I will definitely use Eduardo again! "
"very good work.. vrey good sound nice guy etc... no problem, high quality for a difficult job.thanks"
"This is my 4th Song with Emile. He is just an all around great person to work with. Always professional and deliver my job on time. He give you several bass tracks of different takes so that you and your mixing engine..."
"Second session with JustinL. I had no idea this complicated song could turn out as good as it did after he recorded guitars on them. Once again, I have plenty of stellar guitar tracks to work with! Flawless, powerful,..."
"Brian Donohoe was especially excellent For My Remake Of "Funkin' For Jamaica" by Tom Browne! I LOVE his work!"