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Mnichovo Hradiště Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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www.soundcell.de www.artistsignal.com/soundcell www.local-heroes.de/bandinfo/soundcell
Professional Singer-Songwriter & Session Vocalist now offering Studio Vocals, Top Line Writing (Lyrics + Melody), Features for artists & DJ's, Industry Standard Vocal Tracking & Demos, Background Vocals, Co-writing and editing!
The Sound Boutique Studios is a recording studio for all types of artists, songwriters, and music producers. We specialize in finding the best sound for your next single, EP, or Album.
I am a multi instrumentalist producer with 45 years live and recording experience. I currently run a small Pro Tools studio in Bow, WA.
I love making music
You want a demo fitting for Justin Bieber, Ed Sheeran or The Weeknd? I’m a soulful pop singer that has had placements on 20+ labels and worked with industry pros like Larry Dvoskin (Robert Plant, MGMT, Meredith Brooks) and Jonas Quant (Kylie Minogue, Gwen Stefani, Leona Lewis). Let's make your song the best it can be!
I will use my songwriting skills to help you make a hit! I’m very new to this platform and will be offering free collaborations to build up my resume so if you’re considering outsourcing a songwriter or working alongside one, I’m your man.
I'm here to help take your project to the next level with industry-tested skills.
Recent Successes
"Sebastian is the man. Very down to earth guy just to chat with. Very knowledgeable in his craft and was able to immediately identify issues with my mix and was very specific with potential solutions to those issues. G..."
"Alex is really great to work with! He makes sure your ideas are heard and is great at bringing them to life. Highly recommend!"
"David is quick as lightning, super responsive, highly competent and generally a pleasure to work with. I look forward to additional work with him."
"3rd Full Demo with Dan. Quality professional tracks from arrangement to production. Appreciated and timely communication for negotiating a deadline in spite of busy schedules. Vocals and Electric Guitar work is over t..."
"Sean has a real flare and special ear. I love his arrangement of my music. He has a lot of know in the industry and can take your song “live”. He is pleasant to work with and I have been very pleased with what he h..."
"Dope to work with BRYAN. Overall a quick turnaround and a very talented brotha. I was actually surprised I didn’t have any feedback, corrections or suggestions after he delivered what he delivered. That like almost ne..."