Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MMMBIGGII
BOOK for AFFORDABLE HIP HOP/ RNB MIX & MASTERS!! Work at @12way_studio @uglyhead.studios
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I am a multi genre music producer from London. I specialise in writing bespoke music for film and TV, also collaborating both directly and remotely with other artists for other projects.
I've worked with grammy award winning artist such as Pink and John Legend. My writing and production has been featured in hit shows on ABC, Fox, NBC, MTV and many more. My recent solo artist single, was an international top 10 hit, and has over 15 million streams currently. I have an ear for writing and producing hit radio quality records.
I've been a producer & music engineers for 2 years now
Passionate about creativity and very opened to other cultures, I compose. With African rhythms and jazz influences, I can give an originality to any song. I participated at The Voice (Afrique francophone)
"James Cunningham was part of the production team who helped BTS beat The Beatles’ Billboard Chart record for the highest number of number one records in a year."
A mutlifacted studio run by musicians Sam Costigan & Brennan Baglio, we strive for a balance between competitive quality and individuality.
Over 20 years veteran mixer, producer, engineer and songwriter based in Nashville. Hybrid mix of analog and digital mixing.
The goal is to get your project as close as possible of your vision.
Recent Successes
"Great experience with the mastering process. Carlos has many tools available and uses real hardware and real studio."
"A pleasure to work with Sefi. He’s a very talented mix and mastering engineer, but you can also sense that he’s a gifted musician and producer as well, as he also made some minor tweaks which require an ear for tiny d..."
"Working with Ashley was an amazing experience!!! She is FANTASTIC! Super professional, creative and friendly. She took my ideas, some of the lyrics I had and transformed into a pop song. I'm definitely working with he..."
"Jasmin provided outstanding vocals on a few country and pop tracks I sent her. She had the first one back to me on the same day even and although I didn't require them to be mixed, her voice sounds so polished I hardl..."
"Tim was super flexible during our project. He delivered great files that perfectly fit to the project's description including lots of options, also with a very fast turnaround which was mindblowing! Also Tim was very ..."
"Awesome tracks as usual👍🏼"
"Leo did great on my album lots of variety and options to choose from and pop sensibility is spot on. Highly recommended!!"
"Andres shows a high level of care and pride in his Mastering work and in the satisfaction of myself and other clients. His professionalism, punctuation and kindness in his messaging has been so lovely and has made the..."
"Working with Pete was an absolute pleasure and great communication! He is extraordinary in his craft and knows exactly what the song needs to make it the best it could possibly be. I cannot recommend him enough and I ..."
"I’m super happy with the mix!!! I love what he did to my vocals and the sound quality is perfect!!"