Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mixing and mastering engineer
Let me show you a new way to listen to your music respecting your guidelines from the first moment, creating the necessary working environment to make your music sound at the same level as the best productions of this century.
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Hey, Im Chris. Let's record!
Music producer, engineer and artist in Los Angeles.
Grabacion, edicion y mezcla para Valles-T
I am a mixing engineer and music producer, and I love to execute the artists vision within their music.
Dance music focused producer, with more than 7 years of experience in the music industry, especialized on Ghost Producing. Worked with lots of big house labels in Brazil as G-Mafia, Alphabeat Records and Quartzo Records.
Groove drummer for the music. Feel and musicality.
Playback Creator & Arranger committed to bringing your musical ideas to life.
Recent Successes
"Really talented singer, Amazing top line and perfect harmonization! Really fast, hope to work with jarret again."
"Rob was an absolute pleasure to work with. This isn't our first project with Rob and both times he's been incredibly professions, timely, and helpful with advice when needed! He takes care with each version and revisi..."
"Great voice, professional, promt!"
"Skam is your guy! Great rapper, absolute professional and another 5 star rating! "
"Excellent cooperation! Ruby translated the lyrics in Spanish,and added a poetic approach! The meaning remained the same,she is a wonderful lyricist! Additionally, her interpretation was very colorful and emotional,wh..."
"Brent is a true professional. He achieved a fantastic, high-end sound for my mix super fast. Brent also contributed some great creative ideas on the mix. He is easy to communicate with and was more than happy to assis..."
"As we have repeatedly repeated about the impeccable creative work that Shelley H brings to the table. Just outstanding, professional, and unique. She always delivers the best in all she does. Yours Truly The Housemen..."