Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with milo froideval
Lap steel, Guitar, mandolin, Producer - I provide quality guitars to your music even with the possibility of recording
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One of the best music producers out of the midwest.
Creative perfectionist who stands out with his meticulous production choices.
People call me Dirty Jenny due to my unique tone and soulful playing style. If you want funk, you got it. If you want rock, you got it...and everything in between. Music is life. Let's make magic on your tracks. credits include; MJ The Musical US Tour, Michael Jackson, George Clinton, Kelis, Sweet Honey In The Rock, Ed Cherney, & many more.
Hey you! My name is Daniel Wullems. After graduating from the Abbey Road Institute I set out to make a career in the music industry. Two years later I have over a million plays on tracks that I worked on and I'm more eager to work than ever before.
Recording studio based in center Paris, Studio Wacked is specialized in composition, arrangement, artistic direction, mixing and mastering. Two fully studios, teams that can tackle any demands, state of the art analog gear... Every steps is carefully crafter to achieve your project.
Soy Franco Aravena, Productor y compositor music, me gradué en el Instituto Profesional Arcos, he trabajado en proyectos diversos como composición y producción de música urbana, composición de música cinematográfica y/o ambiental. Muchos de mis proyectos propios están disponibles en las diversas plataformas digitales.
Hi, Are you looking for someone to bring out the best qualities of your songs with a quick turnaround time and easy communication? My name is Jan, I'm a producer, multi-instrumentalist and mixing and mastering engineer with a deep love for music. I've worked my way up to a home studio with lovely gear. Love to hear from you
Recent Successes
"What can i say ?! He’s punctual and very responsive and he DELIVERS. I had an idea and he ran with it. Very excited for the work we have coming in the future "
"Took what had been good ideas on my hard drive for 6+ months, to a great song. Thorough, responsive and above all else bloody good at what he does, you’d be very (repeat very) hard-pressed to find anyone better. Thank..."
"Wow! First time working with Ivan and he worked a miracle on my vocal, it sounds totally natural yet perfectly in tune and perfect for the song, I'll be hiring Ivan again as soon as possible! "
"This was my second project with Shelley. As before, she is a true professional and amazingly versatile musician. I would highly recommend her to anyone. "
"Blue was incredible to work with. She listened to my vision as an artist and added her own creativity to create an original work of art. I would definitely want h to work with her again. Thank you blue"
"Matt is super great to work with! He was very patient with how picky I can be and the end result was stunning! "
"Another fantastic experience working with GEKKO! Highly recommend. Always attentive, communicative, friendly, professional, and clear -- plus absolutely talented!"
"Wonderful horns on my song. Everyone listening really enjoys them. Solid work!"