Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Miles de Aves
Elevate your music with a dedicated and experienced mixing and mastering engineer. With a meticulous ear and a passion for sonic excellence, I'm here to take your tracks to the next level, refining every detail to stand out with clarity and power. Let me be your partner on the journey to unforgettable sound!
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Quality is the priority on every record. Over 20 years of experience as a Recording/Mix/Master engineer.
Self proclaimed best hip hop mix engineer in the game!
I am a Mastering Engineer specialized in modern pop, electronic music and indie/rock, trained in Los Angeles by top-notch and Grammy-winning Mastering and Audio Engineers. I am the owner of Solar Vox Studio Ltd, an Online Mastering Studio, where I can deliver your tracks stunning analog mastering sound, no matter where you are located!
Affordable doesn't have to mean sacrificial. You should be able to try out a mixing or mastering engineer to find out if you even work well together before you attempt to work with them. Also I believe that those selling services should not tack that 'free' cost on to the back end. I'll mix your first song for free, and then we can go from there.
Hi, my name is Hridyansh and I am a student at The Los Angeles Recording School for a Bachelor's degree in Audio Production. I have 2 years of experience in Audio Engineering, in which I studied A-Level Music Technology and have gotten an excellency award for my outstanding performance in the subject. I know how to play the guitar, drums, piano
More than 10 years working with live sound. Vast experience with Blues, Jazz, Country and several other styles.
Multi-instrumentalist with a creative vision, producer and engineer, passionate about music that will change lives. I will take your project and make it the best it can be.
Recent Successes
"One of the best producers I've ever worked with. Very professional and very patience with all the changes that I like in the song!"
"PEOPLE !!! Here he is a great bass player. Quick, precise, clear, correct. A gentleman. Enjoyed !!!"
"Hugo is a true professional and an amazing musician. He delivers top notch work with a great sound and classy approach. An absolute joy to work with. Highly recomended! Laura - Ferdi Bolland Productions - The Ne..."
"Ian is a top of the line industry producer/engineer. His talents took my track to where it needed to go. Work with this guy now before he's to famous to get to work with. Can you give 6 stars?"
"Really professional! Listens exactly what are the requests and performs them perfectly. Great voice and singer. A pleasure work with her."
"Josh was quick and responsive. The mixes that we got back from him were exactly what we wanted, will be going back to him to get more songs mixed!"
"Always great and quick results "
"Fantastic! Quick turnaround time and very knowledgeable mastering engineer. Great communication and the service is as expected,Hope to work with him again!"