Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mick Guzauski
I am an artist/ vocal engineer and top-line melody creator. Having had the privilege of working with many legends, most notably, 24-time Grammy Award winner, Mick Guzauski who engineered for Prince, Mariah Carey Michael Jackson. Sharing what I've learned from greats and understanding the mind as a vocalist we can take your record to the next level!
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Rhythm Section Entertainment is a music production company that produces a variety of music ranging from R & B, Hip Hop, Techno, Gospel, Classical, Country, and much more. The company is equipped with producers, song writers, vocal artist, and a live band thats is lead by Buddy Bangs, Big Mike, and Showtime.
We think of ourselves as an opportunity for the bedroom and basement creators among us to deliver professional quality to their audience. We want our prices to reflect that and the work to reflect our passion for bringing new music to the public without feeling held back.
Noxturn is that mystery you listen to.
Accomplished engineer, trained @ Sony Music Studios & worked with the best in the business. Let's apply that to your music!
Podcast editing, post-production and mastering.
Professional Vocal coach 8+ years & Music Producer specialising in vocal tuning and indie pop production. Musical Theatre Performer in Les Miserables, Wicked, The Boy From Oz, Avenue Q
Highly experienced multi genre mix engineer for hire. My experience playing in bands and mixing their music, whilst also creating electronic dance and ambient genres gives me the varied experience to provide you the exact sound you're looking for.
Recent Successes
"Nice gentlemen with a very nice interaction. Needless to say, work's amazing - just check almost any music store."
"I won't state the obvious: that this vocalist has pipes, mad skills! The main thing is not that she's a professional, which she is-- or even that her turn around is lightning fast, it's more her versatility and abilit..."
"Jenny completely blew my mind. What started as a project that was looking for vocals just to decorate the track, became a project with the vocals as the centerpiece after hearing Jenny. The lyrics she wrote were bea..."
"It was amazing to work with Brandon again, he is very talented and I highly recommended to work with him! 10/10"
"It was such a pleasure to work with Michael! Absolutely fantastic pianist. Will come back again!"
"Just finished my third project with Emanuel, the first time recording a quartet which Emanuel coordinated with other members of his orchestra. A fantastic experience all around, meticulous recording, attention to deta..."
"Working with Alberto is a real pleasure!"
"Very happy with the tuning result from David! Truly a cut above the rest! Wouldn't hesitate to work with again!"
"Breathtaking voice! Good songwriter with fast implementation. 5 full stars!"