Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Michael Hyman
I am a media composer specializing in creating music, sounds and audio that are tailor-made to fit your stories, worlds, and more. Let's make something together!
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My name is Cole Holden. I'm a mixing and mastering engineer looking for new opportunities to explore, and clients to help and work with. I know how expensive projects can get, so I'm willing work with you with rates and pricing. My strengths are in heavier rock and metal, but I have worked in easier listening genres as well.
Paolo Bertolotto, professional Live pianist,opera singer accompanist, producer and youtuber for more than 16 years, will help you to take your music project to the next level, starting from the creation to the distribution and will make you earn more money from your work!
Top London session musician with credits including Louis Tomlinson, Lewis Capaldi, Amber Run, Walking On Cars, Megan Mckenna and MANY MORE!
Certified by Yale and Berklee School of Music; I'll enhance your track past the industry standard.
Full-time Nashville musician, Berklee graduate, and artist on The Voice, Claudia specializes in multi-genre songwriting, intricate vocal harmonies, and strong, soulful lead vocals.
I will produce and/or engineer your music for you, whether your a singer, or a guitar player, or a music producer yourself. I will work with you to get the best results. If you need a song producing from scratch or mixing and engineering a band. I will be able to assist you no matter your needs.
I am a composer and multi-instrumentalist with a solid musical background. I have a Bachelor's degree in Music with a major in Composition and extensive training in playing various instruments such as guitar, piano, drums and bass. Experience: For the past 15 years I have worked as a professional composer and musician, creating original music for
Recent Successes
"Very professional, kind person, good sound!"
"Mark's contribution to my project were downright priceless--never thought a bass part could elevate a song quite like that. And Mark was unbelievably responsive and a pleasure to work with throughout. Can't wait to ..."
"He has interpreted very well the idea that I had in my head and the style that I wanted to transmit with my music and I am very happy with the final result. He also added some of his own ideas that were very good. I'm..."
"I honestly can't say enough about Vic. Right from the start, I could tell that he was going to be amazing with this project. He did something that no other engineer I have had on this project did where he asked me a..."
"Exactly what I was looking for. Great communication and willingness to make it sound exactly how you want! Book MixedbyB4laser, you won’t regret it. "
"Shelley is a consummate professional. She's the top of the top. Easy to work with. Clear with her communication. On time and delivers a great performance every time. I highly recommend Shelley!"
"Adam is absolutely amazing!! He's worked on my past 6 songs with me and every time seems to be able to just pull the sound I want for my music RIGHT OUT OF MY MIND. I can't go to anyone else now, I'm too sold. ..."
"Had a great experience with him. Answered all my questions, fulfilled all my requests, and was able to get done two songs in only two days, meeting my deadline. Would definitely work with him again!"