Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Michael Angelo
I will mix and master your song to sound like the other commercial tracks.
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Welcome to the place where reality meets subjectivity. Here, artisans work organically to produce the best representation of feelings. Welcome to the place where technology meets art. Welcome to the place where the possible ranks higher than the actual.
When working with you on your project my goal is to accomplish your vision with the skill set I have gained from over 10 years in production and audio mixing, editing, and mastering. Each project has unique needs that I adapt myself to, which will result in a final product that you will make you extremely proud, or your money back.
Привет!меня зовут Najami(наями),я представляю из себя исполнителя и битмейкера,моя творческая деятельность началась 6 лет назад,было не так давно сольное выступление в крыму,сейчас работаю со студией 11 https://www.11.com.ru/studia-zvukozapisi-ekaterinburg
- Best known for a signature acoustic-pop sound; rich with energy and harmonics. - Eclectic artist, composer, lyricist, arranger, producer, and mix engineer. - Was finalist in several international competitions, including songwriting, mixing.
I'm a prolific Rap Artist with some extra touch of pure sounds,indigenous sounds and Exceptional song Writimg capabilities.... I've created chorus, verse and back up for so many Artists in Diaspora
Controlo el sonido fuerte que la gente joven tanto busca, mi obsesión es crear el espacio mas amplio posible para que quepan todos los elementos de la canción, trabajo con multitud de técnicas de compresión y limitación para poder alcanzar un gran RMS (loudness, volumen) si el cliente lo desease, pero siempre respetando la sensación de dinámica.
Music and Electric and Acoustic Guitars Tailored to Your Needs. Studio Recorded and Mixed to suit your Project
Choose me as your EDM and pop ghost producer for a seamless blend of creativity and technical expertise. With a proven track record of delivering great songs, I bring a unique flair to your sound while ensuring it meets industry standards. Let's elevate your music together and make your artistic vision a reality.
Recent Successes
"Blake did an incredible job. I didn't give him tons to work with just lyrics and he made magic. Will definitely use him next time inspiration hits. My wife is going to love the beautiful song he made from my words."
"🔥 work! Zach delivers what you want and understanding of the process of getting your track done efficient and creative without being in person! Hard to find anyone like him doing online mix! He will elevate your music..."
"Ashley produces very high quality vocals that sounds very similar to Ariana Grande!"
"Excellent quality, exactly what I asked for. Very talented and easy to work with!!"
"Love working with Sasha. He puts the perfect parts to our songs and gives the songs so much vibe! Just amazing! Thx Jay & Samantha "
"Best way to describe working with ALOU Productions is: I send tracks to Alex and he sends them back sounding better and louder."
"Amazing job mastering as always, thank you!"