Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Metator
Music Produced, Drum & Guitar
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I know sound can emotionally impact and influence the subconscious more than any other sense, that's why I followed a career in sound and acoustics engineering and a masters degree in music tech & sound design, in order to accomplish my sonic dreams and help others accomplish theirs. I narrate stories with sound.
Katie Buchanan is a singer/songwriter and producer. She plays guitar loudly, drinks whiskey slowly, and writes songs that beg for a second listen.
Need a professional music producer to help you finish your project? Need a Soundtrack? Movie Score? Theme song? Background ambience? Video-game music? Or maybe just a jingle for your advertisement? Don’t worry, Gold City’s got the melodies.
Various styles of jazz improvisation, and solo jazz guitar.
13 years of experience in live mixing, stage lighting, studio recording, mixing, mastering, automation, editing, vocal tuning, composing, and producing. Full involvement experience with bands featuring Bermuda, In Loving Memory, Demolisher, Stories Through Storms, From Myth and Legend, Hollow City, & No Fear.
I'm a songwriter and artist first, and I learned how to produce and mix to survive. I love helping musicians find their authentic voice and sound through the creative process together. I love being prolific, finishing songs, and getting art out into the world.
As a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, and professional audio engineer, I use my technical skills and creative impulses to take your project over the finish line. I specialize in rock, folk, and pop productions but my knowledge of professional recording techniques and tools is transferrable to all genres.
I love to write songs with a deeper, twisted meaning, coherent sense, and content. I'm adaptable and interested in many things. Give me a topic or more information, and I will spend time writing in my style. I'm really good at rewriting a content easy on point. So let's create something meaningful together if you prioritize my previous words...
Recent Successes
"Bea did an amazing job as always. I was really luke warm about the latest track I sent to her for vocals; but she gave it new life, added some interest to the melody and cleaned up some timing issues and now it is pe..."
"Working with Sophia was super easy, fast, freindly and very professional. Good pitch, She can provide high quality vocals! Will surely contact her again for future projects. "
"I just finished a project with Caro and honestly I could not be happier with the results. Carolina is an excellent singer and a great lyricist both on English and Spanish (the song as both). Earlier on the project we ..."
"LEGEND. Absolutely the best. hands down. "
"I really enjoyed working with Martin and was super happy with the final version of my track. I felt like he really listened to what I wanted the track to express and quickly made any changes that I suggested. Highly r..."
"Sensational as usual: every time working with Aaron is an absolute pleasure and every time he blows me away with his creativity and professionalism. A real gem!"
"Absolute legend, amazing voice and great topliner to work with!"
"Fran, you're a true virtuoso! The live piano in the new single added such a soulful touch. It's pure magic! 🎹🎶. I’m so happy to have you on my new single and I’m willing to work with you on more of my songs. "
"If you want quick precise and professional work Kevin is the man for you. "
"Ivan was an absolute pleasure to work with. He was very responsive and accommodating during the entire process. He also delivered a quality product. Look forward to working with him again. "