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Merrick Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Hello, I'm Brandon! I am a guitarist who plays in a band, works with a record label, and provides quality instrumental tracks for other artists and producers. For over 6 years,I have been writing my own original music, playing guitar, and jamming with others. I draw my inspiration from all types of music including hip hop, rap, rock, and more.
For artists looking to branch out and set the new wave, you've come to the spot. I go by 6:26 and have worked with the minds of several up-and-coming hip hop artists in the United States including Youngstar and Lil Baby.
Hi, I'm Jason Aro, a Producer/Writer/Recording Academy and ASCAP member working out of my Louisiana studio. I have worked with several breakthrough artists over my career in the singer-songwriter/Electronic Alternative and Hip Hop genres helping to focus their sound, and go on to achieve Major Label success internationally.
I make mixing and mastering for musicicians, producers and labels worldwide, my goal is to enhace your productions and take it to the next level.
Your Electronic Music expert - my artist name is Exotha, and apart from releasing my own music on top quality labels, such as Nocta Numerica, I provide mixing, mastering and production services.
I produce complete tracks. I also assist singer/songwriters in recording/arranging, etc. their songs to make them as great as possible. I work in a small home studio location, yet very well equipped with software and instruments.
I work with all budgets I mix master and edit songs and also produce beats as well I run a studio I record artist and make there art be heard as best as possible and I do all of the above
Recent Successes
"What can I say I use Steve all the time. If you need rock singing. He is the only one i have seen on these platforms that can really bring that crazy rock heat. Great voice, great attitude"
"Great professional! Very effective. "
"Second great mix & mastering i did with Sefi. Very, proffesional, skilled & patient person that will never let you leave unsatisfied. Great guy!"
"Another 5 Star project with my friend Marcello. He's always willing to step outside his comfort zone and produce the unexpected. This is why he's my guy, cause he gets it done and then some. Thanks for all you do m..."
"Ziv's talent and ear is truly unmatched! He is able to work quickly and above expectations to heighten any musical opportunity given to him. Definitely will consider hum again on my future projects."
"It was the first time we worked together with Aaron. The communication was easy and very helpful. The result was really good. I know who I will contact again for the next project."
"Markiss is an absolute professional and the BEST. I told him what I needed and let him do his magic. I can tell that he takes his work seriously and is a very confident producer and engineer. He has worked with many o..."