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Meridian Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Meridian
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My Name is Bob Houghton. I have been recording and producing singer songwriters and bands for several years. I have also supplied the bass tracks for most of the songs. Thanks for the interest in Houghton Studios.
I'm a professional freelance musician and music producer. I play guitar, bass, keyboards, and drums. I specialize in Soul and Blues music. I've produced 3 music exhibits in national museums (National Blues Museum, St. Louis, MO; Mississippi Arts & Entertainment Experience, Meridian, MS; National Museum of African American Music, Nashville, TN)
My work has been on TV, in Feature Films, Short Films, and on over 20 Commercial radio stations. (10+ years of experience) I love to take ideas to their full potential. I make industry quality music with quick turnaround. I'm independent and self taught. I'm easy to work with, communicate well, and enjoy the process. Please feel free to reach out!
I'm your friendly neighborhood mastering engineer. Mastering to me is the real secret sauce, the fairy dust, the mysterious mojo needed to take a mix the last 10% and nudge it into awesomeness. If I get to master your songs, it'll be a great honor and responsibility to take the best care of them.
Do you in search of brazilian samba and mpb sound for your songs? I'm Bruno and I'm from Brazil. I play drums since my 7 years old. I like to play Samba, Choro, Bossa-nova, MPB, Baião, Forró, Jazz, Maracatu, Frevo, Ijexá, and many others rhythm. If you are interested in drums for your songs, click in the contact button.
Audio Engineer who worked with CuBox (digital/vinyl), Meridian Koi, and Hydra Music Records.
None Applicable
Let's turn your idea into a streaming-ready song!
Recent Successes
"Benny is just great. Went above and beyond to create a great mix. Wonderful talent and a wonderful person. Thanks again Benny :) look forward to working with you again soon."
"Myah is my go to singer. Im going to continue to use her for almost all of my projects. She hits the nail on the head everytime!!!"
"Simmy was excellent in every respect (very fast delivery, great recordings, valuable creative input, thoughtful communication, etc.) and her recordings were exactly what we needed for our track. It was a great pleasur..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Glenn. He is a very musical drummer and really understands how to build the right rhythm track. The Sound Quality is also top notch which makes mixing a breeze. "
"This is my second track with Dan! Love working with him, always a fast turn around and very good at Interpreting what parts you are looking for!"
"Leandro attention to playing his instrument, surpasses many other piano players I have met. I gave him mostly free to do what he felt was right for the song, he went beyond my hopes and expectations. He communicates a..."
"This guy is the BEST. Do yourself a favour and get in touch, you wont be disappointed!"
"Always fun working with Guy! He is responsive and detailed, makes sure the mix sounds amazing every time. Looking forward to the next project."