Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Melezz - Moving On (Too Late)
Passionate singer and songwriter from Germany, writing and releasing original music as an artist. I'm also a studio-owner and therefore will deliver high quality vocals for tracks or demos. Songwriting and Toplining are also part of my service. Get in touch and we'll talk! I'm looking forward to meet you!
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Hi I am a very affordable Hip Hop and RnB Producer. If you are a rapper who needs a beat or have some ideas you would like to develop, we can develop your track together!
Keep the music ORGANIC!
Hello everybody, It's been 8 years since I've been producing beats in my room. I'm not yet collaborating with any known artist. It's my first time to sharing my music online . I hope he'll get a good hearing.
Award winning producer with 10+ years of experience (RIAA Gold Record for over 500,000+ music sales). I have worked with Universal Music, Lowly Records, Trap Nation and other notable independent labels. I currently release music as Matstubs with over 700,000+ monthly listeners on Spotify (over 200 million streams)
Sound is my passion and I have dedicated my life to exploring its intricacies. Since the age of 17, I have been experimenting with audio and have accumulated a wealth of techniques that allow me to create unique textures, sonic behaviors, and captivating compositions.
Shaping the raw energy of indie rock and it varied sub-genre into a harmonious sonic masterpiece
Touring & Session-drummer from Sweden, drummer for Swedish HC-legends Raised Fist. Toured with different artist around the globe (mainly Europe but also North America & southeast asia) and recorded drums for 20+ years.
Recent Successes
"Good communication. Worked quickly and delivered what I asked. Awesome musician!!"
"Deem Jaye is a thorough professional ! I didn't need to ask for any revisions, his first draft was all I needed. Great to work with such quality artist delivering what was exactly needed from the client. I would defin..."
"Great voice, quick turn around time. Flexible and easy to work with. Look forward to working with him again in the future."
"Julien is an incredible producer and engineer. He was very kind and willing to talk through his process when working on my music and I felt completely comfortable to trust him with my track. The results of his work we..."
"Gal nailed this 80's inspired track. He offered four different takes and each one was a unique interpretation of the track. I can say enough good about this friendly awesome man and drummer! If you're on the fence of ..."
"Jared programmed drums for me. He's really talented, and I appreciated his openness to my vision for the song. "
"Diana is such a talented and skilled vocalist, with an amazing ear and high - level musicianship, this girl is the whole package! "
"JD is simply a master of his craft, his skills come in droves when it comes down to recording/producing live guitars and drums. He has a great ear for knowing exactly what's needed - plus he's a top level communicator..."
"I can’t imagine anyone else singing my songs. Scott is always delivering perfect vocals to my tracks. I recommend him again and again and again."