Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mc Bin Laden
Mixing & Mastering Producer Audio Editing Producer Recording Producer CEO of musical label: EASTWOOD PRODUCTIONS OF BRAZIL
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Post audio engineer for film, Tv, advertising and interactive media.
Session keyboardist and producer Rob Rinderer is known for his eclectic tastes and abilities. He's worked with a wide range of artists including Billy Preston, Rick Springfield, Bobby Kimball (lead singer of Toto), Brian Bromberg, Norm Stockton, Tony Guerrero, Michelle Shocked, Mark Lindsay and others.
I provide sound engineering services and equipment for live sound performances. I work with your band to get your sound right, and bring out the best in your performance. If you are a rock band, country band, acoustic or spoken word, My goal is to make you happy with your performance and sound your best.
I'm a producer, arranger, musician, I'm expert mixing and mastering too. I play piano, bass, drums, guitars and more.
Specialized in beatmaking, mix & master and sound desing
I can sing in multiple languages over your song (as lead or backing vocal) or produce a song. I'm an indie artist and you can find me @dalonso on all streaming platforms.
I’ll track piano for your gospel or R&B tracks, I’ll also mixing and master your hip hop or gospel songs.
Hit My line!
Recent Successes
"Thank you, Eric! Always a pleasure!"
"Fast, great communication, great price, very good singer and excellent recording quality!"
"im so happy that i‘ve contacted balazs to finish my tracks. he helped me a lot with the sounddesign/arrangement etc. and of course he made a perfect mixing/msstering. overall im satisfied with the final results i can ..."
"She has unbelievable talent and range. She also always gives her full effort, I'm really impressed with what she does. "
"Lydia is a terrific talent, there is no doubt of that, but beyond that obvious fact she puts her clients first. She looks at the bigger picture to fit her vocals into whatever the musician desires to reach an excellen..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Bram ! Simply amazing 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟"
"Superb mixing and production and easy to work with as usual. This was also my first attempt at using rap in a song, and the outcome exceeded my expectations. "
"Leo is the best at bringing your song to life!"
"Camilo and I now understand each other without many words and even with this somewhat special track of mine, the result was fantastic. Great job Camilo - many thanks and see you very soon! I'm really looking forward t..."