Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Max Gomez
I can enhance any aspect of your project from arrangement, to lyrics, to music production (all instruments) all the way to Mix and Master. I'm a multi- instrumentalist highly skilled in piano, guitar, bass, drums, and have endless amounts of sample libraries that enable me to work fluidly across most genres. Yes, I have a grammy=0) Let's create!
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i've been practicing music production to mastering for over 5 years, my DAW is ableton and used to be in FL so im sure i can work flexibly. you can check my sound on Instagram @glgmshx
Worked with YSL, Young Nudy, Yeat, Lil Zay Osama, 916frosty, etc. Produced Beats and Mixed for Major Artists. Create my own music as well as an Independent Artist.
🔥 Mixing // Mastering // Violin Recording 🔥
Hi my name is Vincent. I'm Singer-Songwriter based in the Bay Area.
Worked for The Courteeners, Slow Readers Club, taught by Simon Goudling (The Temptations) and Dave Swift (Jools Holland).
Sou pianista e arranjador, apaixonado por música brasileira e música classica, no momento estudo violino e amo escrever partituras para orquestras, metais e casamentos.
From inception to realization, I'll meticulously shape and mold your tracks, resulting in awe-inspiring compositions.
Recent Successes
"Very fast and professional work with the complete package of many adlibs, harmonies. Reasonable price per package! The overall technical quality of the recording is also more then satisfying on pro level. My recommen..."
"Chris not only has a fantastic talent to play but an amazing intuition and a great taste to set the mood in every song. That's a virtue you can't learn in any school. I'm looking forward to work again with Chris ve..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Max! Friendly, fast and perfect sound. You can feel that he works with passion and that his goal is to make the best of your recordings. My favorite mixer and I'm looking forward to our ..."
"David was kind, friendly, professional and patient. If you are looking to have someone be a part of your project who is talented, skilled, and down to earth. David is your guy! It was a real pleasure dealing with ..."
"It was an absolute pleasure to work with William. Impeccable when it comes to quality of work and service. I love Williams work ethic. I sometimes received messages on weekends or by 6 am because William was working d..."
"Yoed created a great string arrangement for a new acoustic pop song entitled "The Ride" and he made some very tasteful and nuanced choices in terms of placement. I love the gentle, mellow arrangement that he came up w..."
"Claire is an amazing talent. Beyond being a sick guitarist and that she knew just what to play, she was a joy to work with. Great communication right from the start, understood the task at hand and delivered like a ..."
"Ziv did a great job interpreting my song and transforming it from splices to a full-blown production. He was attentive and helpful. I will work with him again!"