Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Matthew Jon K
Budget Mastering. My mastered tracks featured on Spotify Editorial Playlists, and has generated over 650K streams so far across Spotify, Apple, Soundcloud, Pandora, Youtube, and all platforms.
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I am working as a music producer in the film background scoring sessions and songs. Using Samplitude as my DAW i can read and write Full score Orchestral arrangements and its production is my specialty. ready to collaborate with musicians mobile +919400481111
I am an experienced producer, guitarist and sound engineer specialized in pop rock genre. I have worked with famous singers and bands from Turkey on hundreds of tracks that made big success. I usually work on complete production basis, taking care of everything from arrangement to mastering stage. I work internationally as well.
3x Grammy and MPG winning mixer, engineer and producer. Worked extensively with Labrinth, and credits on Mick Jagger, Beck, Hozier, Beverley Knight, Wild Beasts
With two Latin Grammy nominations, over 100 released tracks, and more than 100 million plays, I'm excited to bring my experience and passion to your music projects.
I am the Bass player for bands Teeth Machine, Monzanto Sound and YUUF. I have done Sessions/Collaborated and/or live bass work for, Natty Wylah, Nadeem Din-Gabasi, Hugo Cottu, Chad The Polymath, Sandhouse, Lim Orion, Mali-I, Mark Cake, Saint Saviour, Santino Le Saint, Ed Baden-Powell (D'Influence), Cody Currie, Kaonefy, Léa Sen, Atlantis.
We want to make movie music.
The centerpiece to all your musical goals!
Recent Successes
"Just ask... And he deliver! Recommend!! "
"As always, working with the best. Camilo is top notch! I can't wait to go to his studio one day, I've heard it's amazinggggg"
"Great mastering from truesound. He mastered a whole album for me, and sounded very very good. I tried many mastering engineers true the years, And so far Truesound has done a great great job.. Really great sound and h..."
"An amazing performance on 'Blood on My Hands', always goes the extra mile to make sure that you are happy with the quality of the performance, a very talented artist."
"powerful and beautiful voice, punctual in communication and completely involved in the project. it was very nice to work together, she understood exactly the mood I wanted to give to the track and She take my work to..."
"Gal dribbles, he passes, gets the ball back with one second left and SWISH!! Hits the 3 to with the game! Thats how it felt experiencing Gals ROCKIN take on this rockin track!! Not only are you an awesome perso..."