Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Matt Morgan
20 years of experience and a passion for music production, engineering, and analog gear. If mixing songs was like an improv cooking show my special guests would be Walter White and Rick Sanchez. I'm going to do c o m p l e x things to these tracks.. Unconventional things.. Sonically pleasing things.. Enjoyable things!
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My name is Jeff, and I'd love to bring great live audio to your act. Whether you need a great FOH mix, monitors on IEMs or wedges, or both, I'd love to explore how I can help support your needs.
Delivering a prestine sound using proper equipment delivering professional vocals. Analyze what's requested. Brainstorming ideas until its fitting. Creativing unique melodies that pulls listeners in. Then crafting the verses all while impacting the whole element & atmosphere. I am a whole vibe as well as lyricist in my material I craft hit records.
Acid Techno - DJ
Hi, I'm Sergei, I'm a hip-hop, trap, rap, pop and rnb sound engineer. I am 26 years old, I am from Ukraine, I have been mixing and mastering for 9 years. During this time, I mixed over 3000 projects and worked with over 300 artists. If you are an artist and you need to mix your voice or beat beautifully, do not hesitate to contact me. I will be rea
Bassist/guitarist with 30 years experience specializing in demos and independent artists.
Mixing & Mastering Sets Songs of any type of underground music
HOUSE MUSIC | ELECTRONIC | POP | HIP HOP My name is Stefano, I work on my clients' tracks as if they were my own. Each master is not ready until they are 100% satisfied. I have been producing, mixing and mastering records for over 10 years! Spa in Disco, Sprechen, Paper Recording, Paper Disco, Milf, Golden Soul, Kraak, Timewarp Music and more..
I utilize sound design and storytelling to create quality digital products for any project needing its own identity. I also synthesize effective underscores that transform emotional and psychological nuances into a sonic environment. This can involve making menacing beats for your bars or creating vast orchestral environments for your music.
Recent Successes
"Nick was definitely very good to work with and did a good job for me and approached my job like a pro with the idea of “getting it right” for me. Very pleased. "
" Lovely guy and very helpful kj"
"Good works , I trust his mixing, I'll works with him soon . I'm very satisfied!"
"Always a pleasure working with Lola! 2nd time the charm! "
"Josh is by far the best engineer I have worked with. He can both MIX AND MASTER amazingly. Not a lot of people can really do both right. Been through countless engineers. He is by far the best! "
"Excellent vocal and super quick time, if you're looking for top quality vocals in short time Rory is your guy! "
"I'd thoroughly recommend Dave and Hiltongrove Mastering. I gave him an ok-ish mix and a blank page and I got it back sounding better than I thought it ever could, wrapped in velvet, with mix clarity and width, beautif..."
"Great work with great communication. She understood the project even though it wasn't even in her language. Well pleased with her work."
"Nice to work with Matt once again. He is exceptionally good at what he does and delivered a really good mix/master for a track that was quite experimental in some ways. High musical IQ and conscientious. As many peopl..."