Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Matt Jaffe
Classically trained guitarist (USC Thornton '16) with years of experience playing pop, rock, blues, and country/bluegrass guitar.
Drummer and bassist with ten years of experience performing live and recording in the studio. I am also a songwriter and release music under the name Swan Circus. I have had the opportunity to work with many incredible musicians, including Jerry Harrison of the Talking Heads and Nicky Garratt from the UK Subs.
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I specialize in creating hits that don't only sound great but feel even better.
. Paul Ezekiel, a producer, engineer, specialising in vocal production ,drum tracks and arrangements.
I’m a junior in college looking to build up a portfolio. If you’re looking to get your song mixed and or mastered I can help you with that!
If one of your piece needs trumpet or flugelhorn tracks or if you’re simply not satisfied with the sometimes not realistic-enough VSTs, don’t hesitate to contact me via the Contact page to discuss it ! DON'Y BE SHY AND SEND ME A MESSAGE FOR MORE INFORMATION The recordings I provide are noiseless, clean and dry.
Clear, engaging musical mixes. Fast communication and fast delivery.
Hi. I'm Pablo. I'm a session bassist, and I want to help you make an amazing album or song. I have delivered high quality online bass tracks to local and foreign clients. Together, we can bring your music to life. Let's do something awesome! Contact Me
I'm a "meticcio" guitarist, between classical and modern studies I have developped techniques and skills to improve my sounds and my groove.
Seen on America's Got Talent, I love using my wide vocal range & classical training to bring musical ideas to life! Looking for a versatile vocalist with decades of experience who can tell your story? Want someone who can fill your track with a wall of harmonies? Got some weird ideas you want to hear sung by a professional? I'm your guy!
Recent Successes
"The sound I was looking for!!! I hope to work with him again soon!!!"
"Denitia was *awesome* to team up with. We're on the same page philosophically and her voice worked perfectly with the sound of the record. She's easy to work with, patient, flexible, and made the process fun and colla..."
"I am sooo happy as I just heard the final mix/master version of one of three productions. Working with Etienne is damn cool and fun stuff. Can‘t wait for the results of the other projects. It will be excellent work fo..."
"The way Hugo not only gave us multiple takes for what we asked, but he also threw in the mix 2 improvisation takes as extra, beautiful ones, so we could have lots of material to work with it's just great! And they wil..."
"He was very patient and great communication I would 10/10 recommend him he knows what he’s doing for sure . Won’t be disappointed "
"Another brilliant drum track from Nate. Very professional and a quick turnaround. Top fella. Thanks again."
"Great work as always. As we are working now more or less regularly together it is difficult to review as his level of service is excellent!"