Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mateo Villalba
Favio, a professional musician and expert session player, offers music production services focused on Argentine folk music, tango, and Latin American genres. As a skilled composer, he brings authenticity and mastery, creating emotional and genuine pieces that capture the essence of the rich regional musical tradition.
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My name is Rhia Hazel I am singer songwriter from Melbourne Australia but travel to Los Angeles for music often. I am a top-liner lyricist keyboard player overall songwriter demo producer I have a diploma in music so I have a great knowledge on musicianship and the music business. I have worked with Grammy nominated producers.
Experienced and competitive Sound Engineer. Studio manager and Live sound engineer specialized in Mix and Mastering processing. The key: capture the best of your sound and bring it to a professional level.
I work until I make it right.
Art Director specializing in Design & Illustration
Hi. I'm a lyrics writer; no melody accompaniment - just words. If you're looking for catchy or thought-provoking lyrics of any genre: look no further.
High quality tattoo shop
Nah man
I have been a mixing and mastering engineer for almost two years now. I also produce and write Hip Hop/Rap and R&B/Soul, as well as a music artist myself.
Recent Successes
"Very professional, the communication was great and he delivered superb lyrics very fast. I'd work with him again, hands down."
"There’s no one else I trust for mastering!"
"Eli did an amazing job on my project, listened to every needs and really understood what I need to make my song perfect. Will be happy to work with him again in the future !"
"Austin is an epic producer. I won't even bother checking others out because i'm always blown away by this guy. Thanks again Austin."
"Brandon is next level pro! He's not only a great vocalist but he just has great instinct on how to make it sound even better. Definitely would recommend him for any project!"
"Very professional and organized, fast turnaround, extremely great quality with no revisions needed - my standards were already high, but I was simply shocked by the quality. Highly recommend. "
"Fabian was very polite, communicated clearly and took good care with the music I needed mastering for. I think next time I will focus on getting the best possible match for a reference track as I think I sent him in a..."
"5 stars. This guy killed it on the editing side. Exactly what I wanted."
"As always many thanks to Scott for sharing his talent - a true professional that takes a song to the next level every time ! Spot On - Thank You."
"My go to for mix/master/vocal tuning every. Single. Time. Thank you again TJ!! "