Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Masaa
Jako is one of the most creative and versatile mixing engineers & producers in Berlin. With over 10 years of experience, he has worked with hundreds of different artists and bands -- many of whom have had much success with the projects they created together.
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Tom Stillings a guitarist, musician, composer, who is passionate about music. I enjoy playing guitar it’s an instrument I love, I get satisfaction playing all styles of music.
International artist/ endorser of MEINL cymbals and NATAL drums, VIC FIRTH drumsticks. Drummer and motor of the well-known instrumental band SPECIAL PROVIDENCE besides one of the best employed session drummers in Hungary and also drum clinician, performer, teacher, producer. Performed at drumevents like MEINL DRUM FESTIVAL, LONDON DRUM SHOW etc.
Hi I'm Kendall Meralus, I'm a certified Pro Tools user. I'm an expert in EDM and Hip-Hop production. My mixing is gritty, grimy, lush, like the natural tape saturation you remember in classic. If you grunge or a lush, warm vocal contact me. I have the gear to give your sound the classic hip-hop taste or the biggest EDM drop.
Coming Soon...
I am Jon Ian Clarke Aka ‘ The Genie ‘ I have been writing , Recording , Performing & producing for over twenty five years . I am a multi - Instrumentalist ; A competent drummer , as well an excellent guitarist & bass player , with a unique singing voice , & acute ear for rhythm , timing ; & catchy melodies . The genre I specialise in is Britpop ,
Experienced producer/songwriter and live sound engineer with 30 years in the industry. Expert in blending rock, pop, metal, electronic, and dark synth to create emotionally charged music. Committed to crafting unique, genre-defying sounds that resonate deeply.
Recording & songwriting 10 + years ASCAP "KILL SEASON" EP Demos for various artists.
Mix and Master
Recent Successes
"Michael provides exactly the piano your track needs. His playing always matches the emotion of the moment perfectly. Look no further!"
"High quality master with a fast turnaround!"
"Drew has a golden voice and is professional, responsive, and easy to work with. Thanks Drew!"
"Amazing! Did a great job with the lyrics, took time out and chatted with me on Zoom understood the project, and really gave creative input. Knew what I wanted, and delivered as expected. will defo's be working with Ma..."
"PERFECT!! Thanks again for the collaboration and the great work! Will order again!! "
"Joe is the best - as always! Joe understands my wishes and delivers the song with his professional inputs. I enjoy working with him"
"I am so happy I met Ohad. I could not have made a better choice. He does not only do mixing; he does the art of mixing, and he really believes in your track and can see what no one can see in it. Even I could not imag..."
"Working with Kelly again has been a wonderful and satisfying experience its hard to ignore due to her vocal projection and texture indeed. She will continue to be a voice I go to for completion indeed."