Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Martin Chapel
Hey there! I’m Rolie Olie, and I'm passionate about mixing and mastering music. Think of me as a kind of musical co-pilot, here to transform your raw tracks (or mixes) into something truly special. My goal: Uncover the heart of your vision and bring it to life through sound, with the same care as if I were working with a close friend.
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Let me mix, edit or tune your songs so they are radio ready and professional sounding.I work with all styles of music and will be happy to consult with you to help get the right sound for you.
An R&B Sensation from South Bend, IN working to become the best artist I can be. My sound has been described as a mix of Trey Songz and Usher, with a dash of Michael Jackson.
Luke Southwell is a producer, recording engineer and mix engineer and owner of Metro Sound Studio in South London. Luke has worked alongside some of the worlds best producers (Flood, Danton Supple, Gil Norton) in many top studios (Dean St, Assault & Battery II, Metropolis) and has a wide range of credits for UK top 40 singles
Let me help you elevate your sound
I am a eclectic music producer, sound designer and sound engineer with over 10 years experience, where i got many skills and after many releases. I'll be happier to share my passion with you.
I want to show my demons to the world so others who are scared to can feel less alone. I create meaningful music that can help me connect with people that may be struggling with mental health and to help them feel like there is someone out there who understands them.
Get great mixes, at a great cost!
I'll do anything as long as it has a -core at the end of it.
Recent Successes
"I worked with Wes on a track that was pretty tricky because it was spoken word and he was always willing to take direction and feedback until I got what I was looking for. I'm very pleased with the result and would de..."
"Tollak is pro, a great pleasure to work with and very flexible. very good communication and concepts. Can't wait for the vocal."
"This is the second time I came to Larry. It's wonderful to work with him! He gave me everything I wanted and even more. He is so patient, we live in very different time zones, but he waited for me to check out every s..."
"Very professional and fast. Easy to work with and a fantastic voice!"
"This is my second time ordering Bram's Mix & Master services and just let me tell you guys, this was a confirmation that he is the guy I will work with on my entire album! No need to search elsewhere as he will delive..."
"Michael provided a streamlined/professional/organization that me and my tracks really needed. He held my hand through the whole process and it was pain free because of his grace and how clearly Michael communicates. I..."
"Drew has done the work perfectly. Kind person to work with, he asked to get specific directions in order to provide the best records. Would definitely recommend him!"
"katie did an amazing job , she was polite and friendly throughout , and im very happy with the quality of the end product , i can definitely recommend hiring katie"
"Very professional ! Thank you Joseph for your time and work"
"Amazing singer....Very professional...great to work with"
"Working with Sébastien has been a pleasure. He takes the time to understand the mood you would like to convey through sound design and the results are nothing short of perfect. Sébastien is responsive and communicativ..."