Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marian Simmons and Philip Truitt
Published Singer/Songwriter and Lyricist in melodic rock, rock, pop-rock, country-rock and ballads. Sounds like: Stevie Nicks, Jewel, Susanna Hoffs.
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Let me introduce myself My name is Arthur. I play the drums for nearly 11 years. I played in a band To Leave A Trace. which recorded a full album and a mini album. I am writing own tracks, and tracks to order. The last time created tracks for practicing joga
Versatile in several styles, rock with an R&B feel. I don't just wanna bring a pretty voice to your production. I want to believe the words so I can feel them. To me the best vocals always have a hint of pain and irony in them.
Mário is a guitar player/composer/producer who has recorded more than 100 albums with artists from around the globe. He played or recorded with artists such as Maria João, Cristina Branco, António Zambujo, Mário Laginha, Martinho da Vila, Mayra Andrade, Ala dos Namorados, Susan Palma-Nidel, Robert Sadin, Louis Sclavis, Mark Turner, Andy Sheppard.
Content Writer
Everyone says they're "different". But it's not true because by now most music sounds the same. I used to love the music scene but currently it bores me. It's time for something different. Well, I am different. I've created my own genres,designed custom fishing lures&a custom clothing line sold worldwide,entrepreneur since school. SUCCESS=DIFFERENT
I am MaR5HaY (pronounced marshay), A musician from India. Multi-Genre producer. Strength: Film Score, mixing and mastering. I will make your films a 100 times better with just my music, I guarantee this. I will make your film a masterpiece with just my score.
I have worked as a Ghost Producer for a signed artist in Revealed Recordings, As an artist I have the support of DJs From Mars, Angemi, Saberz, Jaxx & Vega, R3SPAWN, OUTRAGE, etc. I am also a Beatmaker and I can make a lot of genres. Check the description.
Recent Successes
"Amazing work. Fred finished the final step of our track and made it lit. One day turn around, courteous guy, amazing mastering. "
"We could go on about Myah—and we have— but sometimes one word can say it all: Spectacular! "
"Michael did another great job for me, this time it was a mashup of Miles Davis and The Who. Michael came through with flying colors!"
"Julen was great to work with! He is a very talented producer and listened to all the comments, feedback and suggestions I had!"
"I was honestly speechless when I heard the track that Calvin put down. I knew that he was uber talented, I didn't expect the level of musicality and chops! 30 out of 30 stars!"
"Great vocalist, professional, and very efficient. I would certainly recommend her and I will gladly work with Undy in the future! "
"Brian is a true musician. You can sense the love for music in his amazing playing. He is very generous, always including multiple ideas and adding his own creativity to the project. I sent him a track with very little..."
"Chris Adams is very talented on creating music and very nice on providing helpful information to song writers like me. I have enjoyed working with him to help get my song music completed and recorded."