Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Maria limosnas
I have strong producer and coaching skills, the best thing you can do for a musician is to be honest. We can work together and find the best way to create something meaningful and elegant.
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Your Brand New Entertainment Corporation
1996 // based in Piacenza
Small, nimble studio is able to make your recordings sound professional and polished. Focus on folk and rock genres primarily. Ability to augment songs with vocal, harmony and guitar tracks, if needed.
An experienced music producer mainly specializing in EDM and hip hop sound design and production.
I run Big Nice Studio, a full service recording studio focused on creating unique sounds and forming real and lasting relationships with artists. All the top end equipment and talent of a world-class facility without the corporate stuffiness attached. We're focused on remote production, mixing, mastering, and creative reamping.
Classically trained pianist that has undergone the production of the electronic soundscapes with an old hearted gospel soul.
EDM producer focused on delivering the best product of any genre in the industry with 3 years of experience, I professionally mix and master your songs, with more than 15K streams on Spotify with support from artists like MusicByLukas, TEAMMBL and Sergei Rez
Recent Successes
"Very professional, highly capable and responsive to requests and comments. Excellent ear for all things audio and really knows how to take a song to the next level."
"Mella did an amazing job writing a song for me!! She took the time to listen to all of my thoughts and ideas and took that and wrote a beautiful song and way exceeded my expectations! She was very friendly and profess..."
"Working with Dwizzy was cool. He was very responsive, fast and professional all the way and came up with a great rap. Thank you Dwizzy. Highly recommended. "
"Mr Marcello - the king of rock, delivers an outstanding performance time & time again. Spot On !"
"My third track with Jessie.... and I'll keep coming back. A beautiful voice and she works exceptionally hard at delivering your vison for the song. Great partner! "
"Jamie was quick, responsive, upbeat, and deliberate in his communication. He made sure he knew what I wanted, and let me know what was possible and what wasn't (I was asking more than most!). He did what he said he wo..."