Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with maria cavescu
I believe that a good song doesn't just entertain, it connects, and that's what I aim to achieve.
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Hello fellow musical artists, wish you all success in your endeavors and if I can be of assistance you'll have my full pro perfection until satisfied with our project.
All-round music producer & audio engineer from The Netherlands.
I have a unique style and approach which I achieved by studying a vast selection of genres. I play to serve the song, while I always strive to add my creative flair. I am dedicated and passionate about my life’s work.
Music Production since 1988
Record Producer / Mix and Master Engineer from Sydney delivering Industry Standard Instrumentals and Professional Mix and Mastering [effects eg. Psychadaelic Delays, Panned Stutters, Reverse Rev Vox and many more]
Yo work together!
I can come up with a melody and/or write lyrics to your instrumental. I have been writing for myself and others for years. Strong ability to compose a catchy melody with well-written lyrics. I know what's cool
Recent Successes
"Aubrey I is truly an amazing producer. She took all of my requests that I asked to be made to my song and executed them perfectly. She gave my song the pop flare that I was looking for and made it sound like a product..."
"Myah is a 5 stars singer-songwriter. I call her Myah-hits; She is always bring something fresh and new on the table. I highly recommend. She is the best here."
"Wow what can I say… just wow… this was my 1st time doing something like this and Courtney made it the best experience ever.. she is a true professional.. Her voice is outstanding killer vocals! She really brought my ..."
"My collaboration with Samuel was amazing and the best collaboration I have ever had on Soundbetter. I have learned a lot form him and he is very sincere and honest. But I think the most important thing is that he want..."
"love working Benza"
"Fabian does excellent work beyond what the job requires, clearly is super passionate about providing top notch work to whatever level your specific project needs. 100% will return for future work!"
"My second job with David and it was incredible. I knew I needed a bass track but I didn't have an idea for a bass aside but David PERFECTLY captured what I couldn't hear myself! As always, he plays for the song, which..."