Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marejada
As a mixing technician and mastering specialist, I want to help you, always at the service of your songs, to take that extra step, that extra gear that makes the difference between an amateur sound and a professional sound, without mysteries, without stories, without the magic chain of plugins that someone on YouTube made fashionable last week.
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I'm a composer/songwriter for films, records, TV, theatre, dance shows, ads and videogames. I do love composing! The emotional power of film scores play a major part in my creative process for any composition may it be a soft piano song up to an epic, orchestral story. Guitars of many styles are also at your service :)
I love producing and playing my music through the best mix of analogical and MIDI sound! The result is a new and fresh Electropop!
Mixing & mastering engineer obsessed with making your record sound amazing. I have performed with Lil Wayne and Migos. I've also worked with Chevrolet and Nate Paulson.
I sing, I write, and want to help turn your musical visions into reality!
I'm an Italian 22 years old certified mix & mastering engineer and producer. I work in the domain of the discography and cinematics, collaborating with several professional recording studios in Italy as sound engineer, producer, composer and teacher.
Australian modern soul/jazz/pop vocalist and International performing artist. 'The Voice Vietnam' 2019 finalist. Strong background in harmonized vocal group projects.
Experienced guitarist (for 13 years), formally trained. Collaborative open iterative process. Completed guitar tracks for companies and artists, session musician with multiple bands across many genres (soul,blues,rock,pop,funk) and multiple years live performance experience.
I love to make EDM, especially Trap, DnB, and Dubstep
Recent Successes
"It was my second experience with Ruben, and I can say for sure he is an outstand musician and professional! Very quick on his replies, with great communication! I strongly recomend!"
"Alex did (again) an incredible performance. Thanks to him, my first Ep is done and I have never imagined it could sound so great. Thanks to his vocals. Thanks !"
"I worked with Kyleen on a string and vocal project. She provided an extremely professional experience, with a quick turnaround time. And best of all – an absolutely beautiful performance. Thanks Kyleen!"
"A pleasure to work with Rob again. Always feeling safe, sending my projects to him. Clear communication and a quick turn-around. Rob is highly skilled and he has my full recommendation."
"patient and actually cares. crisp mix im very happy thanks"
"I’ve worked with Zach a few times now and he always comes with the vocal melody heat. Very talented and easy to work with. A+"
"Jillian not only killed it with creating a track that I dreamed the song would sound like, but he also finished well before the deadline. So easy to work with and nothing but top notch quality when you’re dealing with..."
"One of the better musicians I have found on Soundbetter. Robert has a very good production/songwriting ear, and really elevated my song and did more than I asked. Also has very good rhythm. I highly recommend!"
"It was just awesome to work with Danni, the final Vocals are as professional as they can get. Can't recommend her enough! "
"Another perfect production, mix, and master! :) Love working with Alex on all my music. Such a creative and rare talent! :) Looking forward to working on some more music!"