Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marco Selvaggio
Do you have a song idea or demo that needs finishing? Alumni of Red One (Lady Gaga, JLo) with 15 years experience in the industry, with major label artists and indies to help create songs with millions of streams. My experience in songwriting means I can make your demo a finished song that belongs in the charts. Most jobs complete in a week.
Audio Production and Engineering Services
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Producing content under Unfortunate Films, Charles Bouril is an independent filmmaker, focusing on location sound recording and sound design.
Masterizacion para Hector el duro, Los pomadores de México, Hispano entre otros.
You've spent time and emotion creating your song, now let's get the drums perfect! Want to record in a nice sounding room like Abbey Road or Avatar studios but don't have the budget?
A passionate music producer determined to work hard and excel in the music industry, with professional experience in live and studio environments, DAWs and Analog equipment. A versatile multi-instrumentalist, who is confident in making creative and impactful music.
A well rounded, versatile musician/producer/dj who has produced many tracks for Tristan Wells, 30 and many more. He has also played EDC Las Vegas.
Former Disney recording artist. American Idol top 40 finalist. Gold record. Creator and star of the World’s best Amy Winehouse theater show.
If you need lyrics that hook you, vocals that will keep people listening, and a voice with personality, you have come to the right page. -Millions of listens on streaming platforms from songs I have both written and recorded. -Writing lyrics, melody, and recording since 2017. Credits: Caly Bevier, Said The Sky, Adventure Club, H1-KEY, and more
Let's bring your vision alive! Whether you have a simple voice memo / rough demo idea or even a near finished song that's missing some magic, I'll help you bring that idea to a release ready song.
Recent Successes
"Working with Philip was a wonderful experience! He was professional and is so gifted that the instrumental and remix truly sounds so very exceptional and with the song and lovely vocals sounds whole. Philip is truly..."
"As per usual Josh came, he saw, and he conquered!!! Josh does an absolutely stellar job and is totally committed to the project at hand. I would highly recommend!"
"I love working with Gerard! He's so kind and knows exactly what to do to make my songs come out better than I could have imagined!"
"Christian has a classic rock voice good enough to win American Idol in my opinion. He's businesslike, friendly, consistent, fast turnaround. What's not to like? Don't wear him out I need him for my new tracks!"
"Scott took my tracks exactly where they needed to go. Super professional, musical, and kind. "
"Patrick sent over a great Baritone Guitar track for my song, I highly recommend!"
"Kiki has an exceptional voice and is a great professional. It's the first time we've worked together and yet I have the impression that she immediately understood what I wanted. I really felt her enthusiasm in wantin..."
"Excellent producer who works hard to materialize YOUR vision, although an undeniably creative and contributive collaborator in his own right as well! Quick turn-over times, communicator, and can-do attitude. I will de..."