Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marco Postacchini
Jazz saxophonist with a warm sound, blending traditional with contemporary. My core sound is airy and intense but I also play hard and edgy when the music calls for it. 15 years experience in both live performance and studio work. I’m here to help you add authentic, heartfelt saxophone lines to your music.
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We have a great passion for creating amazing music. Thomas Emulous has produced commercial quality work for bands, soundtracks, podcasts, and YouTube artists around the world.
Id love to work with you... if your art is alive, if the music speaks!
I can make every style of beat. From melodic trap to UK drill. Pitch me a style and I'll make a beat for you.
Expert in overcoming stage fright, fear of public speaking, performance anxiety and impostor syndrome.
Hey I am Reynold Abraham J I am Mix and mastering engineer,Recording engineer and Beat maker, Musician and music mentor . I do Produce and film score but not expert in those
Hello there. I'd love to work on your record. I've recorded and toured in many styles of music. I've gotten a grammy. I've played weird music. I've played for dances. I've played live techno. I can play extremely quietly. I can play with a lot of force. I can tuck away and be unnoticed, or I can put my own sound into your music. thanks!
Musician the raps, writes, and produce for others.
Worked with Ckay, BOJ, Blaqbonez, Starboy Teri, Falz,etc Producing for 8 years actively.
Recent Successes
"Katie was a pleasure to work with! She took direction very well, while still adding her own interpretation and arrangement to the song. When I asked for something to be re-done, she delivered the corrections quickly..."
"Richard is an incredible singer, he has soul, technique and passion in abundance. What makes him really stand out is his ability to capture the emotion of the lyric. I spent a lot of time on the lyrical phrasing of ou..."
"The Crushboys are super talented! They immediately understood my request and got back to me with beautiful melodies for my track! These 2 guys deserve to be known worldwide! They rock! I will, for sure, work with them..."
"Angelo is such an amazing writer and musician to work with. Very humble, easy to work with and his attention to detail is second to none. I look forward to making more music with him. "
"Gerard was a pleasure to work with. He is very flexible, really does take in any direction you have as the artist and also adds his full expertise and touch to the production of it. I am now doing a second song with h..."
"I don’t have enough superlatives to properly review Lo. Aside from being ridiculously talented as a singer/songwriter, working with her is such a pleasure. What a voice. Can’t wait to work with her again. Thanks Lo! "
"Great guitar work by Bart. Great communication and fast results. Awesome session player."
"Tim is a class act. Patient and understanding. I highly recommend his vocal services. He literally brings life, excitement and energy to anything he touches. True talent!"
"What can I say, amazing!! Richard delivered wonderful performances on the string section on our project And we could not have been happier. Quick respons, quick delivery unbelievably fair price. Thanks again Richard."
"François has, as always, done an excellent job."