Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Marc Frigo
90+ Episodes As Contributing Composer for CBS, The Young & Restless | Signed Artist to Steven Scharf Entertainment & Imaginary Friends. I'm a Full Production Studio, Composer, Pop Singer & Songwriter. I specialize in crafting commercially appealing songs start to finish. Bring me your idea and let's push your creation to the peak of its potential!
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Ben is a mixing engineer
Bass / Guitar/Vocals recording and reamping Full outboard studio
POBRATEAM Production is based in Black Studio (Moscow, Russia), which was founded by two brothers Nikita and Alexander Pozdnyakov. The production company specializes in the mixing and sound production of rock, including pop-rock and hard rock.
My name Joy Morgan and I am a Danish born singer og writer. I have among other worked with Dynamoe, Nobody Beats the Beats and Pelding, who I released the album Spine with in 2005. A critically acclaimed album in Denmark which we won a Danish Music Awards for in 2006. I'm currently searching for tracks/collaborators to make my debut solo album.
“focus on sound - not song”
Thelonius Monk Thespian in the devil's workshop, aspiring religious good Samaritan.. Tech geek. Broke.. Possible starving student/artist Incident with the college campus Security office..
I am a singer-songwriter who loves to sing a plethora of genres and have been frequently praised for my ability to sing many styles. I have a strong voice and plenty of recording equipment and experience to get the song you want and need for your next project to be something you are proud of!
Entdecken Sie den aufstrebenden Künstler jjoelh, dessen einzigartiger Sound und fesselnde Texte die Herzen der Zuhörer erobern. Mit einer kreativen Mischung verschiedener Genres bringt jjoelh eine neue Perspektive in die Musikszene. Er hat bereits ein track mit Neelix (Next By Me) der mittlerweile über 5Millionen streams hat.
Recent Successes
"Rebecca has such an amazing voice, and knows how to shape it in a versatile yet original way. Loved working with her, and the vocals she delivered were just breathtaking. She was also spot on when we had to make som..."
"Bruce just made some amazing gut string guitar tracks for me. This is the first time he has done guitar work for me and i was blown away. A great player!"
"He is a true visionary! Anyone wondering whether they should work with him, DO IT! We took the record to new heights with constant communication, intense work ethic, and sick creative ideas. He seriously will give his..."
"Really amazing composer!"
"Niels is quick and creative! I love his work, the guitars he played gives the song a mysterious, yet a lively sound! A great approach to an electric-based-song~ "
"I dont think you can find a better producer online or what they call real life. Pat is talented, hard-working, and an amazing man in general. Go with someone else at your own peril. "
"It was first time using SoundBetter and was very excited to have Austin mix my track! He completely got the vibe I was going for with the final mix and made the revisions I requested very quickly! I would highly recom..."