Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Manciplēs
Hi guys my name is AMANN, I am a producer, composer and engineer from Spain. I studied music production & sound engineering at university and have over 8 years of experience.
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Hello, My name is Michael Makowski, let me share my 13 Grammy Winning wealth of knowledge into your next song. I received those Grammy experiences while working at world famous Chung King Studios - NYC -Varick St. location.
Heritage Music Group is a full-service production & recording studio located in Mississauga, ON. We offer professional sound recording & full instrumental production utilizing the best in analog & digital equipment.
I'm a professional audio engineer and vocal producer with 10 plus years experience. I've worked with artists including Katy Perry, Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, Maroon 5, Nicki Minaj, Kesha, Tegan and Sara, and many more. I find an art and science to manipulating vocals to get an outcome of the perfect performance.
Hello, my name is Joëtta and I'm a Dutch indie folk artist and songwriter. I would love to collaborate!
Whatever you need done, I got it covered. From writing to arranging to producing to just slinging guitar, I’m your guy.
You love it, i make it.
Topline's bring the vibes - vibes bring the project's - project's bring money , 🔥🔥 i can bring topline's from my soul easy 🔥🔥
Room-41-More combines genres like no other, inviting elements of punk rock, pop and EDM, his lead single "SHANDY" is the perfect introduction to his new sound. He says "There's always room for one more..." which means you can keep going forever, keep adding skills to your arsenal, keep bouncing back from failure because theres room for one more mis
Recent Successes
"Victor did an awesome job! Learned a lot from working with him. I did catch him at a busy time, so the project went longer than expected -- but he was a class act about it, and I couldn't be happier with the final res..."
"Alex not only kills it as an artist, but goes above and beyond as a professional. He understands exactly what the client wants and delivers exactly that! Nothing but positive things to say about him and his work."
"Andrew is an excellent drummer and collaborator. He was very fast, professional, and easy to work with; I'd definitely recommend his skills to anyone looking to add drums to their track. I hope to work with him again ..."
"Working with Sunnie has been fantastic! Great vocals and lyric. Her background as a classically trained musician shines through in her recordings with great harmonies and lead vocals. Everything beautifully in tune ..."
"Amazing to work with. Brings all your ideas to life. Highly recommend "
"Markiss was absolutely fabulous. Easy to communicate with, he delivers great work very quickly. I just finished having him do my entire album, and I couldn't be happier with the results. Thank you Markiss!"
"Frank was very easy to work with, and he did a great job. He came through with exactly what I needed for my demo. I would have no problem working with him again!"
"What a professional. Steve took an average song and made it great! His singing was sensational. I highly recommend Steve for anyone looking to take their music to the next level."
"Working with Killian Cruiser on my second song was fantastic! His musical talent and production skills are impressive. He took my vision and turned it into a polished track that I'm really proud of. Great communicatio..."