Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mamma's Marmalade
I come from a background in drums and upright bass and I've worked as a producer/engineer since 2011. In 2013 I founded Wachusett Recording in Princeton, MA where I have work on records ranging from Punk to Bluegrass, produce corporate podcasts, and instruct aspiring engineers in the trade.
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I mix vocals that are recorded already right now . Professional Quality . I attended School for my audio Enginner Certificate and interned at Atlantic Records
I have toured and recorded with several legendary Country Music artists over the past 25 years. I have owned and operated a recording studio since 2001 where my works can be heard on national ad campaigns and even the theme song for the SyFy hit series "Haven".
Methodical Madness are a group from Guernsey, Channel Islands. They begun recording songs to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust in 2019. Robots. Dancing. Alone. (album) was released on 26th August 2019 in memory of Thomas Martin-Sarre, who passed away from Rhabdomyosarcoma five years earlier. Today, Methodical Madness has over 12 million streams!
20 years experience, Official Hammond Organ artist, specializing in vintage sounds and warmth for your project..
If you're looking for great lead vocals, backing vocals or harmonies I'm the vocalist for you. If you need help with lyrics or song structure then I can solve your problems. Contact me!
Bring your music to the next level with quality mastering
rapper mc singer beatmaker
Singer Songwriter and Trumpet Player
Recent Successes
"Rob is smart, talented, and very easy to work with. The process was smooth and easy and he really took the time on my song. The final product is detailed and layered and was receptive to feedback and came back with so..."
"Absolutely fantastic, Hanna is an amazing human being and artist. It’s the second time I’m working with her, she has a lot of beautiful ideas. Thank you Hanna ❤️"
"Another awesome song with Riley. He finds the best moments of my voice and tunes and smoothes the rough spots. We've been working together since 2017. I always know I'm going to be happy with the results. It still ama..."
"I have nothing but the highest praise for Yoed. He has worked with some of my favorite artists, and I really believe that he treats my projects, with the same amount of care and expertise. I can’t say enough about his..."
"A fantastic experience! A creative boost on my track. After a little conversation Nick understand totally what I wanted and gave the track the right balance, mix and sound. Thank you, Nick! "
"Loved working with Graham. He's a great collaborator. His creativity brought ideas to the mix that I wouldn't of thought of on my own. He listens closely to you, and then expands on what you've said to make the most o..."
"The musicianship and guitar expertise of Chad Martin is top notch. I consider him to be right up there with the greats, and that's no exaggeration! His ability to intuitively capture what I intended for songs on mult..."
"Gekko is a secret weapon. Talented, versatile and quick, he’s also the loveliest human to collaborate with. "
"Another amazing project with Ivy. It is such a blessing to work with someone who cares so much. I am always amazed at her talent, ability and professionalism. Hit her up for your next project! Thank Ivy!"