Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mamis
Mixing & Mastering Engineer
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Hello! I'm a synth player and drummer known for my recording project Xander Harris.
Insta @Christianjamescreative https://christianjamesmusic.wixsite.com/website Singer songwriter & Session Musician (piano/keys, bass, guitar)
Session singer, Vocal coach, belting/vocal effects expert, producer.
No boundaries, I create and I love to help others create.
Multi-genre music producer, singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer.
Never give up on anything.
I am a singer who has some classical studies with Elvira Ceballos (Concertist), Wen Yu Lin and a Carlos Duarte (Opera singers and teachers). I sing opera arias, lyrical and pop songs in the style of Andrea Bocelli. I also have experience singing other styles, such as rock, pop, jazz, folklore and tango.
I will make the song to musicalize your life
Recent Successes
"Always perfection! Words can't express how great it is working with Mark. Great guy, great family and great musician. Thanks for all you do!"
"This gentleman is comfortably the best producer I have ever worked with. With his help, I was able to turn a realtively modest track into something I did not think was possible and I could not be happier with the fina..."
"We made a cover song into a metal track and Theodor brought my dead mix back to life! Everyone who worked on this song is extremely happy and glad it got the love it deserves. 10/10. Two thumbs up. Will hire again."
"Yeah man now thats the FUNK!! Andy was the perfect producer for my song. I highly recommend. I tried putting this track together many times over the years and never was able to get it to a stage where I was happy. Af..."
"I love to be able to work Cristina, she really takes the patients and time to be able to create the best piece of work and the best part she makes sure the client she works with is satisfied with the standards she pro..."
"Super sweet vocals, beautiful sound, hits you in the feels as well!"
"So much fun working with Bryan! He always adds the the perfect element to my music, thank you!!! "