Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MamiMia
Hey there, you can call me Reut!
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I am an motivated audio engineer with a Bachelors of Science degree in Audio Production interested in opportunities with your organization. My robust work ethic, passion for recording, mixing, live sound reinforcement, and diverse experience makes me an ideal candidate for the position. Mastery of studio recording techniques.........
Hustle Holik Entertainment home of the,Hustle Music,Trap,Neo Soul,Rhythem&Blues,R&B,HipHop,Gospel,Reggae,&Country.
Put simply, Douglas Roegiers is a highly skilled and extremely versatile entertainer who channels back to the great days of the Big Band Swing era. His loyal fans know him as 'The Crooner' and he lives up to the title in every sense of the word, crooning with a smooth and classy sound while singing standards from the Great American Songbook.
Music producer, songwriter, creative artist.
Mixer/Producer will lend his excellent ears to your music. Skilled mixer and technician with tons of international experience.
I specialize in EDM and ambient music and sound effects!
Produced 150 freestyle by South African upcoming artist Blue Pappi
I'm an expert sound designer and electronic music producer who knows how to polish your ideas into a full song, you have the idea, I have the production. From arrangement to mastering, I'm your guy.
Recent Successes
"Amazing as always! I hope to work again in the future!"
"JJ is a pro. He understood perfectly the concept of the song and he delivered some amazing sounding guitars! Can't wait to collaborate again with JJ."
"Arron killed it yet again, in a very positive manner! His rich music and lyrics will definitely give me the sound I am looking for and changed my mind in what I thought I wanted, without neglecting my input. This all ..."
"Beautiful bass tone, musical performance, and perfectly recorded. Looking forward to more work with Craig."
"Kyle was a dream to work with! Quick, professional, HIGH quality tracks. Kyle saw the vision for our song and ran with it, making beautiful music. His piano, strings, and percussion tracks are so clean and stunning. J..."
"Ivan Berger is a true professional and it was a pleasure working with him."
"Gabriele is such a kind person, and amazingly talented guitarist/musician, his guitar pieces shine from the start, with as much heart and emotion as is possible to create with six strings. Thanks again, Leo"
"Claudia is ridiculously talented and has amazing ideas and imagination. I only sent her a demo that had half lyrics and basic guitar and she quickly banged out this phenomenal track that I can't wait to release. Sup..."