Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mamadear
I've produced or played on nearly a thousand demos for hundreds of clients in my 10 years as a professional in the Music Industry.
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Need a song mixing? You got it! Need a beat to flow over? You got it! Need a full production start to finish? You got it!
I absolutely will not stop until we’re both happy with your music. See: the western mass deftones project.
I have unique melodies, and chord progressions as my number 1 motivation and driving force, and know what topliners will fit your track!
Hacemos todo tipo de producciones musicales, grabación, mezcla, mastering y composición
vocal arrangement
The first and the best online Mixing & Mastering Studio for ALL GENRES since 2009! We end the Loudness War (loud but low quality) and replace it with a Quality War (high quality and the perfect level)! Diamond Roses Records accompanies you from the first musical idea to a globally distributed product - and beyond!
My name is Luke and I'm an audio engineer based out of South Florida! As a budding audio engineer with a passion for delivering exceptional sound quality, I am excited to contribute my skills and knowledge to your team. I look forward to worlking together!
80s alter ego creating disco funk vibes
Recent Successes
"Yann's turnaround time was very swift, and his work was both professional and effective. Highly recommended."
"Such a pro! Wonderful, easy to work with and definitely has the voice of an angel..."
"I can't tell you if Aubrey is the best producer in the world and I don't know if there even is such a thing. But you have to ask yourself, do you want the 'best' producer or do you want someone that is truly able to l..."
"AWESOME!! As usual, Michael has done a great job!! He made sure that everything will be on point including all the fine tunings. Next order already in progress. Thank you!"
"I've worked with Adam numerous times and he's the only mastering engineer I care to work with. I sent him a quite complicated mix (rock instrumental) with lots of subtle layers and Adam's mix brought out a lot of the ..."
"Jane is Great!!!! The Best!! She has sang more than 30 songs for me. All different styles, Rock, hard rock, country, ballads, melodic rock, power pop. Really Great!"
"Thank you for the amazing work Mike! And for your patience with us being slow. Very happy with the final results! "
"Another great job by Greg!"