Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mael de la hoz
I have been working with different artist of the house music in my country and in Venezuela, like Luifer Forero and singers of my city. I like too much to produce tropical music and hip hop music . Other services that i have been doing are mixing music and mastering. I have been working in this three areas since 2018.
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CHEAP HEAT!! Quality Service Guarantee
LA based. Songwriter for 12 years. Have gotten many television/commercial synchs with my voice as a demo singer and done a lot of toplining over beats and electronic music. I can record and comp my own vocals too :)
Drummer from Turin (Italy) with over 15 years of experience. I put passion and concentration in all my projects, listening deeply to what the composer and his music ask me to give the highest quality in every job. We work to give life to your music and our passion, the most beautiful job in the world! Contact me and we will find the ideal solution!
Award winning, major media placements (mtv etc). I have been in the music industry for about 8 years but even longer in the studio. Started off with HipHop/Rnb which I am still awesome at but now progressed into the sound of the motherland, Afrobeats.
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A recent masters graduate specialising in Rock/Metal, mentored by Dan Weller and armed with a strong passion for amazing sounding records
My name is Alex Fuchs and I am a musician and audio engineer from Toronto, ON. I'm available and ready to help you with your musical project from writing and recording all the way to a final mix and master.
Recent Successes
"Chuck is a total pro, excellent attention to detail with his composition with well performed drums that make you want to rock and groove at the same time! Good communication and file delivery - 5 star experience! "
"All steps during the work is pure pleasure and mutual understanding. Mix couching from Andres is the best thing ever! More work to be done with him ahead! "
"DJ was great to work with and easy to communicate with! Looking forward to us working together again soon! Highly recommended."
"He was very communicative and professional. He listened to my requests and made the song sound phenomenal! "
"Ryan is a great horn player who is willing to work on your arrangement as long as it takes to get it right! He provides lots of tracks and layers to choose from and his recording quality is professional. Highly recomm..."
"David wrote lyrics and melody as a topline over a 70s influenced indie composition I wrote and produced and, once again (as this was my second project with David) his contribution was really incredible, both in terms ..."
"Jimmy's mixes sounded spot on from when I first heard it. He was quick with revisions and nailed them every time. He is also a great communicator to make sure the vision of the song gets translated into the mix. Looki..."
"Andres is my go-to mastering engineer. I've used him on a previous EP, and now on a single which sounds so good. I'll certainly be coming back!"