Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with MADUL A
Hi, I'm an Audio engineer with a quality, vast, vital experience and expertise in various aspect of Audio Engineering.
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Hi all! I am a very experienced and skilled bass player, Can help your music with various bass sounds and playing styles.
Independent Record Label, offering professional expertise in mastering, mixing and recording. Offering help in all areas involving the tracking process.
My writing & vocal production/ arrangements have garnered 10million+ streams. I've developed several artists (writing/ engineering/ vocal producing), & brought their visions to life from the ground up. I have a network of producers that I work with for pitch & sync. Recent cuts include EXO's "Let Me In" and upcoming Joony x Blxst record.
I specialize in working with metal bands but my influences cover most genres. I also started specializing in writing instrumentals for covers of famous pop songs. My most notable work is a cover my band RVNT did of Halsey's song Without me which has hit 250k streams in less than 6 months without label backing.
I'm a visual maker with enthusiasm to WTFness. I'm known for my to-the-beat skills. Collaborating with musicians is my biggest passion.
Bicultural Producer-Engineer with extensive background in pop, rock, jazz, and choral music.
Are you on a tight budget? I would like to keep developing my skills by offering free mixing and mastering. So when your are looking for someone to mix/master your next song in a genre I listed, give me a try!
I will do mixing and mastering of your song in any style.
Recent Successes
"Marcello is more than a professional musician. It is a complete artist, dedicated and updated. He is an active and attentive accomplice in every service it provides. Accepts and offers suggestions. It's great working ..."
"Caroline is just flat out amazing! Her beautifully sung operatic touches took our track to the stratosphere. She sung what we asked, but also gave us some highly creative and thoughtful options that we will definitely..."
"Evan is the real deal. A true sax and flute master. It is always such a privilege to have him on my projects. His goal is always the same as mine, the best possible sound. He is a true professional. You won’t find any..."
"Second time working with Róza, she's amazing. Beautiful tone, great mic/gear super responsive, quick delivery and a truly talented and accomplished musician"
"Jesús is a professional and you will realize from the first moment you contact him listen to the needs of the client and manage to find something that you did not know that your song needs!"