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Macerata Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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David Frost has produced recordings for RCA Red Seal, Sony Classical, Decca Records, Deutsche Grammophon, EMI Classics, Dreamworks Records and Naxos, among others.
I'm a versatile bass player with a thorough approach in the studio and a deep understanding of delivering the right bass track for the client and for the song.
I'm a vocalist/songwriter/music producer and multi instrumentalist from Vancouver, B.C. Canada. I have over 25 years of studio and live performance experience, have sang on stage with the band Toto and performed the National Anthem for every major sports team in BC. I was signed at the age of 16 to an independent record label in the UK.
Hi! My name is Oleh Mytrofanov. I compose and record bass guitar or doublebass lines in pop, rock, jazz,lounge, dance, classic styles. Gained experience in symphony orchestra, in rock band, in jazz quartet, as solo double bass player.
Chicago's #1 for great hits music station
Finnish producer/artist/ghostwriter looking to make new connections and great music. If you have a project that needs lyrics, production or a vocalist(in finnish). I have a lot of hiphop ghostwriting experience in english and in finnish. I also have production experience in afro, rap, r&b and pop. Let's talk!
Understanding an artist's vision is a skill. You've spent endless hours working on a song, and it's my job to take it to the next level. I spent years working on gold & platinum records while also pursuing opportunities to mix live concerts for the largest artists in the world.
Turning a great recording into a great mix takes creativity, aesthetics and, of course, the right tools to merge all the tracks to a unique and satisfying result. I've got you covered! I will mix/master your music to achieve the sound you hear in your head!
Recent Successes
"Hamilton is a master. I was after a particular tone in the playing and he totally nailed it. :)"
"Eileen is a really talented vocalist, she really turned my track to something I didn't think was possible, I had an idea for this track, but it turned out to be 100 times better with Eileen's help. She is easy to work..."
"Jack completed my writer's vision for a song that had multiple levels of meaning. His instincts shaped these layers into a powerful progression that resulted in one of the most beautiful songs i've not only written, b..."
"Jeff did such an amazing job. He took every single note I gave him and executed it perfectly. He expedited it quickly and gave me a product I'm happy to show the world. I'll work with him on the next one for sure."
"Bunny delivered some spot on pop vocals that made my track shine. Thanks to her producer skills, the vocal stems were of extremely high quality and processed ready for use. She is very responsive and enthusiastic, you..."
"beautiful work gf! thanks so much for your kindness and generosity! its been a pleasure and looking forward to more down the line!"
"fifth time with Maryn, great stuff, very kind person, deliver track in a professional level and fast delivery/turn around. "
"RJ did an awesome job on the mix. Great tuning on the vocals and great attention to detail He pretty much had the mix in the pocket from the first draft and 2 revisions in it was a wrap. Phenomenal!!!"
"Oh my god ! THIS IS an amazing artist ! Her work is unbelievable ! You don't need another artist to work with you. She's simply the best ! "
"This is the third or fourth time Eileen has contributed her amazing vocals to a project of mine. This time, on a tight deadline even. Talent and professionalism. Thanks, Eileen!"