Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with lv skinny
Professional songwriter/ Artist recently signed to Sony Records
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I'm a Composer, Music Producer and Mixing/Mastering expert based in Rome. I've worked as a ghost producer and dj for years, i'm mainly specialized in electronic music. I'm able to work on your recordings and make them shine! I can fix mixing mistakes, give you tips, let you sound better! Also available for vocal comping and tuning.
Hi all! My name's Bri. I'm a professional session vocalist with over 3 million collective listens on YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Have a listen to my reel - see if our styles could mesh! I do vocals for pop/rock/acoustic/ballads, among others. So excited to potentially work together. :)
Need a guitar that perfectly complements your project? Let me craft a tailor-made guitars that captures the essence of your vision.
I am a writer
Im a very creative Sound Designer, stablished in Mexico City
Forward thinking Ableton Live mixing & mastering engineer, send me your project, and I'll send it back fully mixed and mastered! By using only plugins and a state-of-the-art monitoring chain, I can quickly adapt to any situation and navigate the online music streaming world. Let me take your music to the next level!
Hi I'm Royce. Grammy and Mercury nominated writer producer from London. Credits include, Nao, Jamie Woon, Sohn, Lapsley, JNR Williams, Twilite Tone. Available for production/writing/guitar.
your favorite composer
Recent Successes
"Joël is an extremely helpful and talented mixing engineer. His pricing is transparent and easy-to-understand, one single price with no extra costs after agreement. It was my very first song, so I really wasn't pre..."
"Hugo delivers always state of the art Drumtracks, fast or slow songs he has the feeling and understanding of the song. I would not recommend him, (kidding) because than he will get too much jobs and there will be no t..."
"A1 job!"
"This track is special to me and G helped me get the timing and vibe right on the vocals to get the bounce I was looking for!"
"If you want your song to sound EPIC, trust me hire this guy. Killian is not only crazy talented, he is super patient and open to everything. He made my song sound amazing and I couldn’t be happier. So glad I decided t..."
"This is my second project with Ronald and once again he delivered quality work. Great experience! Can't wait to work with Ronald again."
"Taylor is one of the most talented individuals I have had a chance to work with. He sets himself a part with his own unique style and is always a total pro (and SO PATIENT!) start to finish with any and all ideas. A t..."
"I have used Andrei multiple times to produce and mix my songs and plan to continue doing so. Andrei is a wonderful producer who helped me get the maximum potential out of this particular song. Then through great co..."
"The very best!"