Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luwop
Meet Lucas Williams, better known by his stage name Luwop, the dynamic musician hailing from Twinsburg, Ohio, who is poised to take the hip-hop world by storm. At just 22 years old, Luwop has already made a significant impact in the industry with his unique blend of lyrical prowess and infectious beats.
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I Can Produce, Mix, Master or Even Ghost Produce Any Genre, Mainly Dance Music (Dubstep, Trap, Techno, Tech House)
I've been Producing, Mixing & Recording artists for over 17 years. I specialize in Live Performance recording/mixing and Voiceover sound design. My previous experience includes : Apple, KROQ-FM,AMPRadio, Lionsgate, Spotify, Focus Features, Henry Rollins & Mark Hamill
I play with the G-string to make the notes scream !
Nashville Singer/Songwriter and record producer. Touring, writing and making records for 10 years.
I'm here to help you in the best way! I'm a professional pianist, music composer, producer, performer and professor. All of people call me " Maestro", when we will work together you will find out why.
DNR Records is dedicated to providing top quality recording, mixing & mastering, artist promotion, and artist growth within the music industry. We are an ever growing studio with plans to continue to expand and give artists the opportunities and the tools to make music as much of their lives as it is ours.
Meet Lucas Williams, better known by his stage name Luwop, the dynamic musician hailing from Twinsburg, Ohio, who is poised to take the hip-hop world by storm. At just 22 years old, Luwop has already made a significant impact in the industry with his unique blend of lyrical prowess and infectious beats.
37 years of experience as a Mix&Master engineer for Universal, Sony, Warner... and many Major labels
Recent Successes
"Nicki is a wonder... not only a powerhouse singer, but her input to our project was invaluable! It was our lucky day when Nicki consented to work with us! Unbelievably talented! "
"Get at Chad!!! A stand up guy fr that’ll put that flavor every track needs to take it to the next level. Very much looking forward to tapping back in w/ him!!!"
"Killian is a monster producer! He makes the process so much easier and a pleasure to experience. He was able to see our vision and add his own twist. His quality is second to none. The service was exceptional! Will de..."
"This project turned out amazing! I love how you built up the pre-chorus and chorus each time, ending with this wonderful crescendo! The adlibs, doubles and harmonies along with the vocal mixing were so professionally ..."
"Really motivated + good results! Always open for feedback and good communication. "
"Super easy and fun to work with Patricio. This is our 2nd project and I have loved the playing style, musical imagination and professionalism. Will for sure work again in future! :D"
"Jenny is absolutely wonderful. Talented, great communication, beautiful voice, versatile and professional. Warmly recommended."
"Extremely cooperative and efficient in our collaboration. The EP needed some extra production, and he went above and beyond with sound replacements and building new synths and bass for this. Very happy with his work a..."
"By far the fastest transaction I've done on here! Ray was great to work with. He gave me the exact vocal track I was looking for, same day delivery might I add. "