Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Lunar Mist
Let’s make your next song sound Punchy and HUGE! My job is to focus on every detail that helps you achieve your desired result!
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25% discount (I want to help musicians in this pandemic period) Professional Sax player with more than 20 YEARS of experience. With a great versatility, I can adapt easily to what is required. I'm gonna work until you're 100% happy with the result.
Hi all! My names Nick and for the last few years I have studied audio engineering/production. I’m very passionate about this area of work and have freelanced in my spare time and am now ready to take on some more jobs! Please let me know if you have any queries, feel free to send a message! Thanks!
Surrounded by musicians growing up Susannah Sail has always had her head in tune with music and all the other wonderful things that come with it. She's constantly searching to create new music with other musicians and to expand my knowledge and relationship with music.
Need your song mix & or mastered? Hire OMO Studio for your next project! We offer remote mix and mastering send your stems well sauce em up! I’ve worked w the names of 10KKev & OBNR DINERO. Plenty local talent as well if your in the area come record a session in studio.
Toco musicas evangélicas
Delta 8 disposable vape pens
High-quality mixing and mastering, vocal pitch correction
Pittsburgh's most in demand bassist. Known for exceptional groove and melodic sense.
Recent Successes
"To be able to put your vision into words in less than 24 hours, you have to be Marcus! You were a delight to work with, and this won’t be the last. "
"Shelley is very professional and accommodating vocalist. If you want great vocals for your project then look no further. The service provided was friendly and efficient. Highly recommended, and I would definitely use ..."
"Trent is a master harmonica player and turned my project around super fast. I'm blown away and super jealous of his skills. What a gift!"
"Daniela mixed 1 song for me and she nailed it! She gave me a radio quality mix with crisp and clear vocals. Highly recommend and I will book her again!"
"João did an incredible job once again! He was able to add power to my song while also adding his own flare in parts that sound beautiful! João worked quickly and delivered nothing short of amazingness! I’m still in aw..."
"Deza is an absolute pro. I gave a little direction if what I was thinking and she provided that and more. She put her spin on it which was even better than I was thinking. If you need a Vocalist, get yourself one like..."
"Made the intro come to life for my album. Perfect work as usual"
"He delivers awesome and really high quality work!!"
"I am very satisfied with the work done by Luis Cancion, who gave life and energy to my song. Luis is a great professional and also a kind person, and he supported my requests so that the song sounded as I wanted (and ..."